Friday, December 27, 2019

French Exercise - Si Clause Threads, Second Conditional

This practice exercise can be done as a class or in small groups. It requires familiarity with the second conditional (si clauses), including imperfect and conditional conjugations. What to Do Print out a table for each group (see below).Write the first part of a conditional sentence beginning with si (see suggestions below) in the first table cell. Since this is the second conditional, the si clause needs to be in the imperfect. Invent a result clause, using the conditional, for the second cell.For example: Next, transform the result clause into a si clause and write it in the first column of the second row. (Remember that the verb which was in the conditional now needs to be in the imperfect.) Then invent a corresponding result clause to continue the thread. If clause Result clause Si je gagnais au loto, jachterais une nouvelle voiture. Si je gagnais au loto, jachterais une nouvelle voiture. Si jachetais une nouvelle voiture, je la mnerais lcole. Transform the second result clause into a si clause, and so on, until you have completed the thread. Si je gagnais au loto, jachterais une nouvelle voiture. Si jachetais une nouvelle voiture, je la mnerais lcole. Si je la menais lcole, les autres tudiants madmireraient. Si les autres tudiants madmiraient, ils minviteraient djeuner. To make sure students understand the exercise, start by demonstrating on the board: write a si clause and call on students as you go through the entire thread collectively. Then divide the class into groups of 2 to 4 students and provide each group with an if clause, or have them come up with their own. After each group has completed their thread, either have students read them out loud, or - if there are likely to be a lot of mistakes, as in the case of weaker students - collect the papers and read the threads out loud yourself, either correcting them as you read, or writing the sentences on the board and going over them together. Variations To challenge students creativity, have each group start with the same si clause, and then compare how each one turned out at the end.Assign a different si clause to each group, and after they have each completed one row of the table, have them trade with another group. Each group will then complete the clause in the other groups tables, and then exchange once again with a third group.You can also use this exercise to practice the first conditional and the third conditional. Starter Clauses You and your students can of course invent your own if clauses,* but here are some ideas to get started: Si jallais à   la luneSi javais un souhaitSi je navais quune semaine à   vivreSi jà ©tais le prà ©sidentSi jà ©tais richeSi jà ©tais toiSi je faisais mes devoirs tous les joursSi je me cassais la jambeSi je me mariaisSi je pouvais faire la connaissance de nimporte qui dans le mondeSi je pouvais remonter dans le tempsSi je pouvais visiter nimporte quel paysSi je trouvais un portefeuille dans la rueSi je voyais un OVNI (objet volant non identifià ©)Sil y avait des formes de vie intelligente sur dautres planà ¨tesSi les chiens pouvaient parlerSi mon meilleur ami me mentaitSi notre professeur à ©tait en retardSi nous à ©tudiions ensembleSi nous savions le secret du bonheur *If you come up with a great starter clause, please share your ideas. Tables This exercise needs tables with two columns and four rows. Printable pages of tables are available in  Microsoft Word format; you can save and edit this if, for example, you want to type the starter if clause into the first cell of each table. Print enough copies so that you can cut them up and provide at least one table for each group of students. Si Clauses LessonFirst conditional practiceThird conditional practice

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Topic . The Goals Of My Research Strive To Assess The...

Topic The goals of my research strive to assess the biopolitical construction of a socially embedded hierarchy of otherness in Singapore, with specific regards to its impact on the reproduction of low-skilled migrant workers. More concretely, this essay seeks to address the restriction and stratification of reproduction amongst low-skilled migrant workers in Singapore, illuminating and analyzing the key structural factors that contribute to this reality. As fertility levels in developed nations continue to decline and reliance on immigrant labour progressively increases, critical issues concerning the composition of national and ethnic identity rise to the fore. Singapore, a nation state with an incredibly strong relationship to†¦show more content†¦Expected Findings Upon completion of my research, I expect to find that low-skill labour migrants in Singapore occupy a position at the bottom of the social order. Hence, due to a number of criteria, they are strictly â€Å"othered† by the Singaporean state and their reproduction is consequently devalued via various mechanisms. If these are the findings I come to, I will conclude that the restriction and stratification of low-skill labour migrant s reproduction functions as a means for the state to construct a certain national identity; one comprised of ideal, desirable citizens. Developing Argument Due to their marginal position on a biopoitically constructed hierarchy of otherness, labour migrants in Singapore often exist as a form of â€Å"bare life† (Agamben 1998); one constructed through biopolitical action, characterized by a lack of access to resources generally available to other demographics, and solidified through a restriction to safe, fulfilling, and free reproductive lives. While Singaporean society deems high-skilled and ethnic majority migrants as socially valuable, low-skilled labour migrants – who are largely uneducated, poor, and socially precarious – find their degree of reproductive agency acutely stratified. Thus, various structural barriers exist with regards to reproduction for migrants, many of which remain absent for the majority of Singapore s

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

My New Brother free essay sample

In mid November 2010, I was just getting used to my sophomore year of high school. I’d had a sleepover with some friends, a normal weekend activity, and my mom picked me up the next day. That was when things stopped being so normal. There was an uncomfortable tension in the air that I’ve never had with my mother before. I was growing more and more nervous thinking that I had done something wrong. That’s when she finally spoke. She had asked me how I would feel if I found out that I had another brother, and how I liked the idea of being an aunt. So many things were running through my mind, how could this be possible? And why am I just finding out now?My immediate response was shock. Then I was confused and angry. My emotions were like a roller coaster – twisting and turning every time I thought about some stranger coming into my life. We will write a custom essay sample on My New Brother or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I didn’t understand how my parents could keep this from me for fifteen years.I didn’t have long to warm up to the idea of having a new half brother, because my mom had arranged a day for us to meet after Christmas. When this day finally came, my nerves were uncontrollable. I could smell the lemon scented Pledge and Windex while my mom frantically cleaned the house. I tried putting on a fake smile to hide how uncomfortable that I was really feeling inside. I wanted to be strong and show my younger brother, Doug, that everything was going to be alright.When they finally arrived, we met my not-so-new brother Dennis, his wife Christine, and his three children, Cassadie, Carah, and DJ. The resemblance that I share with my â€Å"new† brother is scary. We spent the day learning about each other’s families and about Dennis’ rough childhood growing up in a bad part of the city. He didn’t have a great relationship with his mother, because she was often more involved with the drugs and alcohol surrounding her life. Growing up in these kinds of circumstances makes a lot of people bitter and angry, but not my brother. He never let his unfortunate past negatively affect how he is today.Meeting my new family was the best Christmas gift that I got that year. Seeing how important family is to Dennis made me realize that I sometimes take my own for granted. He’s opened my eyes and made me realize how lucky I am to have parents that support and encourage me. Having the responsibility of being an aunt, and an older sister to my younger brother, has put me in my place to always think twice before doing something that I’ll regret. Because of them I have become a leader, a mentor, and an overall better person. I’m kinder, more patient, and much more understanding than I was before. I am somebody that they look up to and come to when they need to talk, and I never want that to change.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Procrastination and College Students free essay sample

Have you ever put something off? Thinking â€Å"Oh, i’ll just do it tomorrow? † Have you ever thought you were showing signs of a mental disorder by doing that? You’ve probably haven’t. Actions such as putting off your task until the next morning would be called procrastination. The definition of procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something for another time. Procrastination can be either putting off work for something else that the person believes is more important or just to do something more pleasurable. Procrastination is normally just considered a bad habit that unorganized or lazy people tend to undertake in their daily lives, but chronic procrastination may be the sign of an underlying psychological mental disorder. You can identify if you have procrastination with a number of symptoms and at a greater extent this disorder can even be treated. Many physiological studies have been done on procrastination and many people are trying to find the underlying cause for this disorder. We will write a custom essay sample on Procrastination and College Students or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is a mental disorder that is not quite understood or accepted by many psychologists. According to Timothy A. Pychyl Ph. D. , â€Å"Immediate mood repair† is controlled by the brain’s limbic system. This system controls automatic responses and is a dominant part of the brain. It can overpower the prefrontal cortex which is a decision-making part of the brain. The prefrontal cortex is what makes an individual decide to engage in a task. The longer the task is put off, the easier it is for the limbic system to dominate and give instant pleasure feelings which the body and mind prefer. It becomes more satisfying to not do the task because of this limbic system. Because of this, people learn that procrastination feels better in the short term and this can begin to control how or when they choose to perform tasks. Procrastination has been thought to originate from our viral age with all our laptops, and smart phones, and facebook, but that’s not true. Procrastination has been around since ancient Greek and Roman times. The Greek poet Hesiod around the year 800 B. C. , promoted people to avoid procrastination and â€Å"to not put off your work till tomorrow and the day after. † And for the Roman civilization, the consul Cicero called the act of delaying actions â€Å"hateful. † Procrastination is just a part of human nature; we as humans are lazy, we try to find the easy way to do anything, and if we can’t do that, then we think that we’ll just do it tomorrow. But what is work? The definition of work is â€Å"activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. † Therefore procrastination is tied together mentally and physically. The mental aspect of procrastination leads mostly to school. Procrastination is considered a students worst enemy. Every student encounters the feeling of procrastination once or multiple times either as a bad habit or as a mental disorder. Students go through procrastination without even thinking about it, by putting off the less pleasurable for the more pleasurable. We all encounter the bad feeling of procrastination and wish to stop. We could think of procrastination as a dangerous disease feeding off our productivity. Procrastination begins rapidly as time becomes your worst â€Å"enemy. † Looking at a blank piece of paper for English, a blank document for an essay, or even your other homework leads to laziness. We could think its just a lazy bad habit, but actually we’re procrastinating. What happens next after staring down your blank piece of paper desperately wishing it was done? You â€Å"need† food, a drink, naptime, or even a â€Å"break† from stress so then you make a cup of coffee or something to eat. Before we know it, we watch television for a couple of hours. Then what? The homework didn’t get finished by itself! It’s still there collecting dust â€Å"watching† you procrastinate from this mental disorder or bad habit. Furthermore, procrastination leads into older adolescence which stems off of childhood. People don’t realize how procrastination can affect their lives and frustrate their future self into adulthood. Generally, procrastination through older adolescence is the time of actually knowing if this is a chronic psychological disorder or just a lazy bad habit. Academic procrastination in college students is widespread. Procrastination negatively affects college students which impacts their learning along with overall achievements. When pushing off a task because they may be â€Å"busy† or have a more pleasurable task to do affects their organization of work. Work among college students is not only academic work but also physical job work which is affected too. In addition, the Natural Remedies For Total Health â€Å"Procrastination Explained† by Michael Locklear shows that 95% of college students are trapped by procrastination. The more pleasurable tasks outweigh the challenging tasks that the college students have to do. By doing the more pleasurable task instead of the original task, a delay in preparations for exams or other assessments occurs which is known as â€Å"cramming. † The term cramming is â€Å"bestfriends† with procrastination amongst college students who encounter it. Cramming is when college students wait until the last minute, pulling an â€Å"all-nighter† in order to complete the task they had to do that they’ve already known about and had more than enough time to finish. A study reveals that 75% of college students admit themselves to be procrastinators with half of them stating that they procrastinate on a regular everyday basis. The question amongst college students is that is this just a bad habit? , or is this a chronic psychological mental disorder? Well the answer is that it is a mental disorder that is not quite understood or accepted by many psychologists. For the further future self in adulthood may seem as a bad habit but actually as bad â€Å"habits† continuously happen out of laziness leads to chronic procrastination. This creates stress, depression, and anxiety throughout life which affects ambition to complete tasks due from this disorder. The future self encounters procrastination as a psychological disorder which is associated with perfectionism. The definition of perfectionism is â€Å"refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. † This is tied with procrastination negatively due from postponing tasks because the future self feels pressured to meet their high standards so they put off their task for a more pleasurable task. Procrastination in adulthood is a roadblock to complete fulfillment in all kinds of aspects. One may push aside a building job while others may push aside taxes along with other tasks. Then when the deadline is met, it creates a rush in perfectionism. Studies have shown that procrastinators during their tax returns pay an average over $400 due to errors caused by waiting until the last minute confirmed by HR Block. This concluded with overpayments in the United States government in 2002 by $437 million. This disorder impacts adulthood of individuals which causes a great deal of pressure. As a disorder, overwhelming evidence shows that individuals who wait until the last minute is averagely below 70% of effectiveness towards finalizing their task. Procrastination not only impacts the future self, it also impacts the individuals that are involved. The future self in adulthood as job workers, Christmas shoppers, last-minute tax rushers, individuals who avoid seeking proper medical exams and treatments, teachers, or even scientists encounter procrastination as a bad habit or as a psychological disorder. Procrastination is a serious issue when one encounters it as a bad habit which can be a continuous action leading into the disorder. In many cases, it becomes a threat to the qualities of life towards the future self eating away the time it takes to complete the task. http://sidsavara. com/personal-productivity/procrastination/procrastination-survey-results According to this survey, the results of why individuals procrastinate is about putting things off for a more pleasurable task. The question that many psychologists have is, why do people procrastinate? Is it a bad habit? Is it a disorder? Through the lives of individuals who procrastinate encounter the reasons of no time, it’s just not urgent, don’t feel like it, or not sure what to do. So what then leads for the final answer for procrastination? The number one reason why individuals procrastinate is that they don’t feel like doing the tasks they need to do so they push it off for other favorable tasks. The results of the two graphs indicates for encountering procrastination is about self management. The lack of productivity is often tied with time management along with prioritization. Individuals know that the priority of their task is more important but they would rather do the more favorable task. Individuals know that the task needs to be completed but they don’t feel like doing it. This results with the bad habits or the chronic disorder of procrastination. Mental, emotional, and physical focus is important in order to overcome procrastination. The top four reasons are no time, it’s just not urgent, don’t feel like it, and not sure what to do. When needing to complete a task, time management is very important. Individuals push aside their task due to â€Å"not having time†, which then leads into no ambition to do the task because it’s not urgent. Therefore that’s when the more favorable task is encountered. This creates pressure and stress which is overwhelming because now the question is â€Å"What to do? † in addition of not knowing what to do results in pushing away the task. Then the fulfillment of what the individuals wanted to complete doesn’t happen. As procrastination continuously happens, it results with the question of is it considered a chronic disorder or just a bad habit? Conclusion: Procrastination is a mind game that individuals may encounter of delaying or postponing something for another time. The solution is to outsmart procrastination which is harder to do in order to overcome the bad habit or mental disorder. It’s natural to get overwhelmed by a simple task but the key is to attack the task without pushing it off before procrastination becomes the enemy. Break each part of the task down as if it were to be â€Å"cutting a tree. † Instead of looking at the task as a whole like a â€Å"tree,† cut down the â€Å"branches† first of each part of the task which will fade away the whole part. By taking away the idea of what you can’t do and replacing it with what you can do, it defeats procrastination. Make your view of the task as the quality rather than quantity so being overwhelmed by a task doesn’t occur. Try to use time as your â€Å"bestfriend† instead of an enemy. By doing so, procrastination will fade away by blocking out the more favorable tasks to do after the task is completed. Procrastination is the worst enemy one may encounter and there are many questions that are accumulated with it for further research. Why does procrastination get to me so easily? What makes me a procrastinator? Do I just have a bad lazy habit by pushing off my task or do I have this psychological disorder? This mental disorder is not quite understood or accepted by many psychologists. An individual may encounter procrastination as a bad habit while others encounter it as a mental disorder which will eat away the task before it’s fulfilled. Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today. ’ Wayne Dyer