Friday, December 27, 2019

French Exercise - Si Clause Threads, Second Conditional

This practice exercise can be done as a class or in small groups. It requires familiarity with the second conditional (si clauses), including imperfect and conditional conjugations. What to Do Print out a table for each group (see below).Write the first part of a conditional sentence beginning with si (see suggestions below) in the first table cell. Since this is the second conditional, the si clause needs to be in the imperfect. Invent a result clause, using the conditional, for the second cell.For example: Next, transform the result clause into a si clause and write it in the first column of the second row. (Remember that the verb which was in the conditional now needs to be in the imperfect.) Then invent a corresponding result clause to continue the thread. If clause Result clause Si je gagnais au loto, jachterais une nouvelle voiture. Si je gagnais au loto, jachterais une nouvelle voiture. Si jachetais une nouvelle voiture, je la mnerais lcole. Transform the second result clause into a si clause, and so on, until you have completed the thread. Si je gagnais au loto, jachterais une nouvelle voiture. Si jachetais une nouvelle voiture, je la mnerais lcole. Si je la menais lcole, les autres tudiants madmireraient. Si les autres tudiants madmiraient, ils minviteraient djeuner. To make sure students understand the exercise, start by demonstrating on the board: write a si clause and call on students as you go through the entire thread collectively. Then divide the class into groups of 2 to 4 students and provide each group with an if clause, or have them come up with their own. After each group has completed their thread, either have students read them out loud, or - if there are likely to be a lot of mistakes, as in the case of weaker students - collect the papers and read the threads out loud yourself, either correcting them as you read, or writing the sentences on the board and going over them together. Variations To challenge students creativity, have each group start with the same si clause, and then compare how each one turned out at the end.Assign a different si clause to each group, and after they have each completed one row of the table, have them trade with another group. Each group will then complete the clause in the other groups tables, and then exchange once again with a third group.You can also use this exercise to practice the first conditional and the third conditional. Starter Clauses You and your students can of course invent your own if clauses,* but here are some ideas to get started: Si jallais à   la luneSi javais un souhaitSi je navais quune semaine à   vivreSi jà ©tais le prà ©sidentSi jà ©tais richeSi jà ©tais toiSi je faisais mes devoirs tous les joursSi je me cassais la jambeSi je me mariaisSi je pouvais faire la connaissance de nimporte qui dans le mondeSi je pouvais remonter dans le tempsSi je pouvais visiter nimporte quel paysSi je trouvais un portefeuille dans la rueSi je voyais un OVNI (objet volant non identifià ©)Sil y avait des formes de vie intelligente sur dautres planà ¨tesSi les chiens pouvaient parlerSi mon meilleur ami me mentaitSi notre professeur à ©tait en retardSi nous à ©tudiions ensembleSi nous savions le secret du bonheur *If you come up with a great starter clause, please share your ideas. Tables This exercise needs tables with two columns and four rows. Printable pages of tables are available in  Microsoft Word format; you can save and edit this if, for example, you want to type the starter if clause into the first cell of each table. Print enough copies so that you can cut them up and provide at least one table for each group of students. Si Clauses LessonFirst conditional practiceThird conditional practice

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Topic . The Goals Of My Research Strive To Assess The...

Topic The goals of my research strive to assess the biopolitical construction of a socially embedded hierarchy of otherness in Singapore, with specific regards to its impact on the reproduction of low-skilled migrant workers. More concretely, this essay seeks to address the restriction and stratification of reproduction amongst low-skilled migrant workers in Singapore, illuminating and analyzing the key structural factors that contribute to this reality. As fertility levels in developed nations continue to decline and reliance on immigrant labour progressively increases, critical issues concerning the composition of national and ethnic identity rise to the fore. Singapore, a nation state with an incredibly strong relationship to†¦show more content†¦Expected Findings Upon completion of my research, I expect to find that low-skill labour migrants in Singapore occupy a position at the bottom of the social order. Hence, due to a number of criteria, they are strictly â€Å"othered† by the Singaporean state and their reproduction is consequently devalued via various mechanisms. If these are the findings I come to, I will conclude that the restriction and stratification of low-skill labour migrant s reproduction functions as a means for the state to construct a certain national identity; one comprised of ideal, desirable citizens. Developing Argument Due to their marginal position on a biopoitically constructed hierarchy of otherness, labour migrants in Singapore often exist as a form of â€Å"bare life† (Agamben 1998); one constructed through biopolitical action, characterized by a lack of access to resources generally available to other demographics, and solidified through a restriction to safe, fulfilling, and free reproductive lives. While Singaporean society deems high-skilled and ethnic majority migrants as socially valuable, low-skilled labour migrants – who are largely uneducated, poor, and socially precarious – find their degree of reproductive agency acutely stratified. Thus, various structural barriers exist with regards to reproduction for migrants, many of which remain absent for the majority of Singapore s

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

My New Brother free essay sample

In mid November 2010, I was just getting used to my sophomore year of high school. I’d had a sleepover with some friends, a normal weekend activity, and my mom picked me up the next day. That was when things stopped being so normal. There was an uncomfortable tension in the air that I’ve never had with my mother before. I was growing more and more nervous thinking that I had done something wrong. That’s when she finally spoke. She had asked me how I would feel if I found out that I had another brother, and how I liked the idea of being an aunt. So many things were running through my mind, how could this be possible? And why am I just finding out now?My immediate response was shock. Then I was confused and angry. My emotions were like a roller coaster – twisting and turning every time I thought about some stranger coming into my life. We will write a custom essay sample on My New Brother or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I didn’t understand how my parents could keep this from me for fifteen years.I didn’t have long to warm up to the idea of having a new half brother, because my mom had arranged a day for us to meet after Christmas. When this day finally came, my nerves were uncontrollable. I could smell the lemon scented Pledge and Windex while my mom frantically cleaned the house. I tried putting on a fake smile to hide how uncomfortable that I was really feeling inside. I wanted to be strong and show my younger brother, Doug, that everything was going to be alright.When they finally arrived, we met my not-so-new brother Dennis, his wife Christine, and his three children, Cassadie, Carah, and DJ. The resemblance that I share with my â€Å"new† brother is scary. We spent the day learning about each other’s families and about Dennis’ rough childhood growing up in a bad part of the city. He didn’t have a great relationship with his mother, because she was often more involved with the drugs and alcohol surrounding her life. Growing up in these kinds of circumstances makes a lot of people bitter and angry, but not my brother. He never let his unfortunate past negatively affect how he is today.Meeting my new family was the best Christmas gift that I got that year. Seeing how important family is to Dennis made me realize that I sometimes take my own for granted. He’s opened my eyes and made me realize how lucky I am to have parents that support and encourage me. Having the responsibility of being an aunt, and an older sister to my younger brother, has put me in my place to always think twice before doing something that I’ll regret. Because of them I have become a leader, a mentor, and an overall better person. I’m kinder, more patient, and much more understanding than I was before. I am somebody that they look up to and come to when they need to talk, and I never want that to change.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Procrastination and College Students free essay sample

Have you ever put something off? Thinking â€Å"Oh, i’ll just do it tomorrow? † Have you ever thought you were showing signs of a mental disorder by doing that? You’ve probably haven’t. Actions such as putting off your task until the next morning would be called procrastination. The definition of procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something for another time. Procrastination can be either putting off work for something else that the person believes is more important or just to do something more pleasurable. Procrastination is normally just considered a bad habit that unorganized or lazy people tend to undertake in their daily lives, but chronic procrastination may be the sign of an underlying psychological mental disorder. You can identify if you have procrastination with a number of symptoms and at a greater extent this disorder can even be treated. Many physiological studies have been done on procrastination and many people are trying to find the underlying cause for this disorder. We will write a custom essay sample on Procrastination and College Students or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is a mental disorder that is not quite understood or accepted by many psychologists. According to Timothy A. Pychyl Ph. D. , â€Å"Immediate mood repair† is controlled by the brain’s limbic system. This system controls automatic responses and is a dominant part of the brain. It can overpower the prefrontal cortex which is a decision-making part of the brain. The prefrontal cortex is what makes an individual decide to engage in a task. The longer the task is put off, the easier it is for the limbic system to dominate and give instant pleasure feelings which the body and mind prefer. It becomes more satisfying to not do the task because of this limbic system. Because of this, people learn that procrastination feels better in the short term and this can begin to control how or when they choose to perform tasks. Procrastination has been thought to originate from our viral age with all our laptops, and smart phones, and facebook, but that’s not true. Procrastination has been around since ancient Greek and Roman times. The Greek poet Hesiod around the year 800 B. C. , promoted people to avoid procrastination and â€Å"to not put off your work till tomorrow and the day after. † And for the Roman civilization, the consul Cicero called the act of delaying actions â€Å"hateful. † Procrastination is just a part of human nature; we as humans are lazy, we try to find the easy way to do anything, and if we can’t do that, then we think that we’ll just do it tomorrow. But what is work? The definition of work is â€Å"activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. † Therefore procrastination is tied together mentally and physically. The mental aspect of procrastination leads mostly to school. Procrastination is considered a students worst enemy. Every student encounters the feeling of procrastination once or multiple times either as a bad habit or as a mental disorder. Students go through procrastination without even thinking about it, by putting off the less pleasurable for the more pleasurable. We all encounter the bad feeling of procrastination and wish to stop. We could think of procrastination as a dangerous disease feeding off our productivity. Procrastination begins rapidly as time becomes your worst â€Å"enemy. † Looking at a blank piece of paper for English, a blank document for an essay, or even your other homework leads to laziness. We could think its just a lazy bad habit, but actually we’re procrastinating. What happens next after staring down your blank piece of paper desperately wishing it was done? You â€Å"need† food, a drink, naptime, or even a â€Å"break† from stress so then you make a cup of coffee or something to eat. Before we know it, we watch television for a couple of hours. Then what? The homework didn’t get finished by itself! It’s still there collecting dust â€Å"watching† you procrastinate from this mental disorder or bad habit. Furthermore, procrastination leads into older adolescence which stems off of childhood. People don’t realize how procrastination can affect their lives and frustrate their future self into adulthood. Generally, procrastination through older adolescence is the time of actually knowing if this is a chronic psychological disorder or just a lazy bad habit. Academic procrastination in college students is widespread. Procrastination negatively affects college students which impacts their learning along with overall achievements. When pushing off a task because they may be â€Å"busy† or have a more pleasurable task to do affects their organization of work. Work among college students is not only academic work but also physical job work which is affected too. In addition, the Natural Remedies For Total Health â€Å"Procrastination Explained† by Michael Locklear shows that 95% of college students are trapped by procrastination. The more pleasurable tasks outweigh the challenging tasks that the college students have to do. By doing the more pleasurable task instead of the original task, a delay in preparations for exams or other assessments occurs which is known as â€Å"cramming. † The term cramming is â€Å"bestfriends† with procrastination amongst college students who encounter it. Cramming is when college students wait until the last minute, pulling an â€Å"all-nighter† in order to complete the task they had to do that they’ve already known about and had more than enough time to finish. A study reveals that 75% of college students admit themselves to be procrastinators with half of them stating that they procrastinate on a regular everyday basis. The question amongst college students is that is this just a bad habit? , or is this a chronic psychological mental disorder? Well the answer is that it is a mental disorder that is not quite understood or accepted by many psychologists. For the further future self in adulthood may seem as a bad habit but actually as bad â€Å"habits† continuously happen out of laziness leads to chronic procrastination. This creates stress, depression, and anxiety throughout life which affects ambition to complete tasks due from this disorder. The future self encounters procrastination as a psychological disorder which is associated with perfectionism. The definition of perfectionism is â€Å"refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. † This is tied with procrastination negatively due from postponing tasks because the future self feels pressured to meet their high standards so they put off their task for a more pleasurable task. Procrastination in adulthood is a roadblock to complete fulfillment in all kinds of aspects. One may push aside a building job while others may push aside taxes along with other tasks. Then when the deadline is met, it creates a rush in perfectionism. Studies have shown that procrastinators during their tax returns pay an average over $400 due to errors caused by waiting until the last minute confirmed by HR Block. This concluded with overpayments in the United States government in 2002 by $437 million. This disorder impacts adulthood of individuals which causes a great deal of pressure. As a disorder, overwhelming evidence shows that individuals who wait until the last minute is averagely below 70% of effectiveness towards finalizing their task. Procrastination not only impacts the future self, it also impacts the individuals that are involved. The future self in adulthood as job workers, Christmas shoppers, last-minute tax rushers, individuals who avoid seeking proper medical exams and treatments, teachers, or even scientists encounter procrastination as a bad habit or as a psychological disorder. Procrastination is a serious issue when one encounters it as a bad habit which can be a continuous action leading into the disorder. In many cases, it becomes a threat to the qualities of life towards the future self eating away the time it takes to complete the task. http://sidsavara. com/personal-productivity/procrastination/procrastination-survey-results According to this survey, the results of why individuals procrastinate is about putting things off for a more pleasurable task. The question that many psychologists have is, why do people procrastinate? Is it a bad habit? Is it a disorder? Through the lives of individuals who procrastinate encounter the reasons of no time, it’s just not urgent, don’t feel like it, or not sure what to do. So what then leads for the final answer for procrastination? The number one reason why individuals procrastinate is that they don’t feel like doing the tasks they need to do so they push it off for other favorable tasks. The results of the two graphs indicates for encountering procrastination is about self management. The lack of productivity is often tied with time management along with prioritization. Individuals know that the priority of their task is more important but they would rather do the more favorable task. Individuals know that the task needs to be completed but they don’t feel like doing it. This results with the bad habits or the chronic disorder of procrastination. Mental, emotional, and physical focus is important in order to overcome procrastination. The top four reasons are no time, it’s just not urgent, don’t feel like it, and not sure what to do. When needing to complete a task, time management is very important. Individuals push aside their task due to â€Å"not having time†, which then leads into no ambition to do the task because it’s not urgent. Therefore that’s when the more favorable task is encountered. This creates pressure and stress which is overwhelming because now the question is â€Å"What to do? † in addition of not knowing what to do results in pushing away the task. Then the fulfillment of what the individuals wanted to complete doesn’t happen. As procrastination continuously happens, it results with the question of is it considered a chronic disorder or just a bad habit? Conclusion: Procrastination is a mind game that individuals may encounter of delaying or postponing something for another time. The solution is to outsmart procrastination which is harder to do in order to overcome the bad habit or mental disorder. It’s natural to get overwhelmed by a simple task but the key is to attack the task without pushing it off before procrastination becomes the enemy. Break each part of the task down as if it were to be â€Å"cutting a tree. † Instead of looking at the task as a whole like a â€Å"tree,† cut down the â€Å"branches† first of each part of the task which will fade away the whole part. By taking away the idea of what you can’t do and replacing it with what you can do, it defeats procrastination. Make your view of the task as the quality rather than quantity so being overwhelmed by a task doesn’t occur. Try to use time as your â€Å"bestfriend† instead of an enemy. By doing so, procrastination will fade away by blocking out the more favorable tasks to do after the task is completed. Procrastination is the worst enemy one may encounter and there are many questions that are accumulated with it for further research. Why does procrastination get to me so easily? What makes me a procrastinator? Do I just have a bad lazy habit by pushing off my task or do I have this psychological disorder? This mental disorder is not quite understood or accepted by many psychologists. An individual may encounter procrastination as a bad habit while others encounter it as a mental disorder which will eat away the task before it’s fulfilled. Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today. ’ Wayne Dyer

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

12 Years a Slave. Solomon Northup

12 Years a Slave. Solomon Northup Free Online Research Papers In 1841, criminals seduced a free black New Yorker named Solomon Northup into slave territory by the promise of a job. There, they illegally sold him as a slave. When he protested to the slave dealer that he was free, the dealer beat him. He would learn not to assert his freedom, but over the next twelve years he attempted to free himself on several occasions, all which failed until the last, successful effort. (1-40) Solomon Northup first tries to escape while on board a ship that was sailing to a New Orleans slave market. Solomon and his two new acquaintances Arthur and Robert, plan to take over the ship and sail north. Solomon, Arthur, and Robert were to hide under another smaller boat that was on deck and to carry out their plan at night. Solomon and Arthur were going to sneak into the captain’s cabin and steal the pistols while Robert stood guard outside the door with a club. Unfortunately, they were unable to carry out their plans because Robert fell ill, and died of smallpox within a few days. (44-46) Next, Solomon was helping to build a cotton press when John Tibeats, who did not like Solomon from past experiences, critiqued everything he did, even though it was right. John Tibeats grew very angry and approached Solomon with a hatchet swearing he will kill him with it. Solomon and John Tibeats struggled a while and eventually Solomon was able to take the hatchet away from him. Then John Tibeats again tried to attack him with a stick and again Solomon was able to take control of the situation. While he struggled with Tibeats, Solomon or â€Å"Platt† considered killing him but then decided that he would severely beaten or maybe even killed as well, because he would be found guilty in the courts. Platt decided to run away to his former master’s house, that of William Ford. While trying to escape, John Tibeats and a pack of dogs chased him all day through the woods and marshes as Solomon ran for his life. Northup finally lost his enemies when we crossed the swamp , because the dogs were no longer able to track his scent over the water. Slaves were not taught how to swim, but growing up a free man, Solomon Northup loved to swim, and that ability saved his life. After days of crossing the wilderness and the swamps, Solomon met a white man and a slave on the road, and received directions from them to William Ford’s plantation. Northup arrived to the Ford’s plantation and they took him in and protected him from John Tibeats, because Ford still owned part of Solomon. If Tibeats were to hurt or kill Northup, Ford would lose his property, Solomon, or his value could drop. A few days later Solomon was rented to Randal Eldret by William Ford to work for him. (98-113) A few weeks later, Solomon Northup attempted to escape by persuading a ship captain to let him hide on board his ship that was headed north. Northup’s ability to play the violin gave him the opportunity to travel to other places and make more money then most other slaves. When Solomon went to Centreville, which is a port city on the Mississippi River, he asked the captain of a steamer to allow him to hide within his freight and sail north with him, and would pay him everything he had. The captain pitied Solomon and wanted to help him, but it was too risky for the captain because if he were caught he could have been killed or put in jail for helping runaway slaves because they are some else’s property, so he denied Northup’s offer. (149-150) Finally, Solomon met his master’s, Edwin Epps, friend Samuel Bass and Solomon finally found someone he could trust and possibly help him escape. Samuel Bass opposed slavery and thought that no man should have the right to own another man because he thought it was morally wrong. Solomon eventually told Samuel Bass his true life story and Bass was appalled by it. He felt bad for Solomon because he disagreed with slavery, so he vowed to help him gain his freedom. Samuel Bass agreed to send letters to Saratoga, which is where Solomon’s family resided, but there was never a response to the letters. A few months later, Bass again was able to get into contact with Solomon and told him that he would be going to Saratoga on his way to Canada, his homeland. Solomon gave him the names of his family and friends and Bass told him he would again send letters for him. A few months after Samuel Bass sent out the letters, Solomon was working in the fields and was approached by two men in a carriage. Solomon realized who they were and knew they were there to grant him his freedom. After proving to the men, the sheriff and Henry Northup, that he was Solomon Northup and he was free, they granted him his freedom. (204-242) Solomon Northup was a free man but was never allowed to admit to it and feared running away because of the consequences. The first time Solomon argued that he was kidnapped and was free, he was almost beaten to death and threatened that if he ever again admitted to that, he would be beaten worse or even killed. That fear that was inflicted into him was the reason Northup never told anyone his real life story. Another reason Solomon never tried to escape north was because every white man in the South had the right to stop and ask him where his freedom papers were, and if he did not have any, then the white man had the right to take him to jail. If a runaway slave was ever found or returned to their master’s, the punishment was almost too harsh to survive. In addition to the fear of being severely punished, most slaves did not know the exact route to the North and to freedom. Solomon experienced both freedom and slavery, and two completely different worlds of them. Northup hated slavery and periodically expresses his negative attitude towards it. Northup describes his first ever beating to the burning pains and agonies of hell. (25) Solomon describes his master, Edwin Epps, coming home intoxicated and whipping slaves for fun and making them play instrument and dance after a hard days work. (136-138) Another incident occurred when Solomon was ordered to beat another slave, which he did at least forty times. Edwin Epps was still not satisfied, but Solomon disobeyed his master and threw down then whip. Edwin Epps picked up the whip and beat her until she no longer moved and was on the edge of dying. After Solomon witnessed the beating, he said â€Å"Thou devil, sooner or later, somewhere in the course of eternal justice, thou shalt answer for this sin!† (197) Not all white men felt the same way towards slavery as did most of Solomon Northupâ₠¬â„¢s masters. Some white men, from the North and South, disagreed with slavery and thought that all slaves should be set free because no man should have the right to own another man and wanted to help free them, like Samuel Bass. Other white men helped free slaves because they felt it was their responsibility toward a son or family member of his family’s former slave, like Henry Northup. Research Papers on 12 Years a Slave. Solomon NorthupCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoTwilight of the UAWCapital PunishmentThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Spring and AutumnArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Hip-Hop is Art

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Police Performance Term Paper

Police Performance Term Paper Police Performance Term Paper Police Performance Term PaperIf you need to write police performance term paper, you will find this article useful. Firstly, there is a good sample term paper on police performance. You may use this sample to write your own term paper, to get ideas for writing, or to focus your research topic. Secondly, you may also try our custom term paper help and get original term paper on police performance written from scratch! Our term paper writers are experienced and educated; they can write an impressive term paper for you! When you buy a term paper at our site, you get original term paper with no plagiarism! Term papers and report we write are of high academic quality and earn the best grades for our clients!Police Performance Term Paper SamplePerhaps the most pronounced myth surrounding the Angels and their operations is that of a subway system that is crime-ridden, dangerous, and out of control. Declaring their own version of the right of popular sovereignty in the interest of selfpr eservation, the Guardian Angels, like virtually every active citizen action organization before them, have organized to take action to protect themselves and others. However, this crime problem, which gives the organization its legitimacy, does not appear to exist. While their critics have been quick to attack the Angels for exaggerating crime problems for their own benefit, clearly the responsibility for this myth should be more broadly shared. Not only the Angels, but the media and many of New York's public officials should be included as well. The result of this myth is important not only to the transit police and the health of the New York City transit system, but to the Guardian Angels as they attempt to maintain their growth and organizational evolution. A second, related issue involves the image of fearful New Yorkers frustrated by poor police coverage and performance, willing to embrace almost any alternative. Although the results of this research do show that nearly one-hal f of all passengers interviewed rate the job the transit police are doing at protecting riders as either not too good or not good at all, the most commonly mentioned criterion in this evaluation was not danger but expected result. Those respondents who thought the police would recover property stolen from them were more likely to rate police performance more favorably. Those who thought items stolen would not be recovered saw the police in a more negative light. Concerning the availability of police on the subways, over 86 percent of passengers reported that when riding on the system they usually, or at least sometimes, saw officers on patrol. From these results, it is certainly difficult to substantiate the existence of a widespread belief in the breakdown of either law or order on the subways. Despite the lack of major dissatisfactions with the police, the overwhelming majority of passengers interviewed reported that they approved of the Guardian Angels. Many of these riders' appr oval was not without reservations, however. These passengers often advised that they approved of the concept of citizens helping each other and, while they knew little about the Angels'methods, they were assuming that the organization deserved their support. While this is clearly a positive finding for the Angels, it is not an unqualified endorsement for them or similar citizen-action groups. To the extent that these organizations deviate from this general concept of citizen help, it is likely that their levels of public support will diminish.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Legality of Abortion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legality of Abortion - Research Paper Example The key arguments in support of abortion are to counter unexpected pregnancy, to reduce over population, and finally as the expression of woman’s right to her own body. The last is a true and correct statement as all the people have the right to do what they wish to their own bodies. However, they should understand one thing that the unborn baby is a different individual. Even though it resides inside its mother, it is a separate entity and has got a separate existence from its mother. The DNA and other elements of the body are entirely its own. Since the moment of conception, it is completely a distinct genetic individual. Looking at this issue, it is clear that abortion for any cause is wrong. Therefore, the call in favor of abortion because of unexpected pregnancy or abortion for the sake of convenience or as an expression of woman’s right to her own body is not tenable. Arguments for and Against Admittedly, the first and most prominent argument against abortion is t hat if abortion has been deemed to be moral in any phase of human development, there would not have been a greater cry for the enactments of law banning abortions. Admittedly, most of the religions in the world oppose the legalization of abortion. Abortion is similar to murder where an unborn baby is chopped up for the mistakes of his parents or sometimes for the benefit of others. As there is an inception of life since the conception, abortion can be regarded as a crime against the sanctity of human life. No civilized society permits to harm an individual intentionally or take one’s life without punishment and so abortion also is not an exception. Hence, in a society where murder is considered to be immoral and a crime, abortion must also be considered as a punitive crime. Some others argue that abortion is an alternative for contraception on the ground that any method that is used to prevent a woman from being pregnant can be considered as contraception. However, it is fund amentally foolish to claim so because unlike contraception that prevents pregnancy from taking place, abortion is committed only after the woman becomes pregnant. Pregnancy is a result of the failure to use effective contraceptives. Equating abortion with contraceptives is a falsified idea. So, abortion cannot be given the meaning of contraception. Abortion of pregnancy as a result of rape is another kind of moral puzzle. In the case of a molested or raped girl, proper medical care can ensure that she will not become pregnant. Abortion in such cases means to punish an innocent human being who had no role in the committed crime. Instead of punishing the unborn baby, it is the rapist or molester who is to be trialed and punished. In addition, one has to give attention to the physical and mental impacts of such an abortion on the woman. An easy measure adopted for time being or momentary convenience may, thus, result in or pave way to serious problems in the future. However, most of th e abortions are taking place among teenagers who do not have sufficient life experiences. What they can do in this regard is to be prudent enough to use contraceptives before going into physical relations. A suitable philosophy at this juncture seems to come from Bartter (2001), who reminds such mothers of the fact that there are thousands who do not have a child to adopt. So, instead of throwing the unborn baby into the valley of death, those mothers can give such children to those who can bring them up as their own children. Thus, getting rid of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Answering Question in Information Systems Essay

Answering Question in Information Systems - Essay Example With the high amount of transactions information technology is able to track each point of sale. This recorded information can then be implemented to support a company’s businesses processes in a variety of ways. For instance, the recognition that certain business hours have more robust sales can be used as a systematic input to schedule employees. The tracking of sales is not only important in terms of human resource functions, but also is important in terms of all business processes. Supply chain management is directly impacted through information technology, as the recording of sales can contribute to the organization properly ordering products and supplies to fit demand. Another significant impact of information technology can be witnessed in terms of advertising. A multitude of Internet organizations have emerged that target consumer’s specific purchasing tendencies; subsequently, this information technology can be implemented to customize advertisements to specifi c consumers. When data is expanded to include a variety of consumer tendencies, the importance of information technology is further enhanced. In this way information technology can link specific consumer demographics to specific purchasing patterns. ... 6. Crescent Health Care implemented a number of processes in updating their legacy systems. The extent that they followed closely the three steps outlined in the chapter is varying. Crescent Health Care’s first step was to identify existing legacy systems. In this way the organization identified all its systems and then determined which of these systems each legacy supported. To a large extent their actions in these regards followed those outlined in the chapter. Still, it seems that Crescent Health Care could have gone farther in its identification processes. The case study notes that the organization was often unable to determine the exact extent that the specific application would affect other applications, as they was no clear architecture that outlined these elements. In this way the organization could have gone further is detailing the specific underlining functions of each legacy component and recognize its function within the context of the entire system. Crescent Heal th Care also considered how their existing technology could be improved through using services. In this way the organization generally followed the recommended first in that it considered how its system would be improved by the addition of new technology. The next action that Crescent Health Care engaged was working to understand the requirements for the new system. In this way it seems that the organization acted in an appropriately comprehensive fashion. Notably the organization determined that specific portions of their system could be transferred to the cloud while other portions of the system would resist such measures. Through understanding the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Green Practices and Their Benefits on the Environment Essay Example for Free

Green Practices and Their Benefits on the Environment Essay Every country is endowed with rich natural resources which can greatly affect the countrys competence within the international economic arena. Each country is highly dependent upon the natural resources that it owns. These natural resources are being utilized to aid the countrys needs in order to strengthen their economy. Thus in order to make full use of natural resources, one must be keen in protecting the environment. The environment shelters all the resources that people need in order to sustain life. Thus damaging the environment can create strong adverse effect on the humans needs and well-being. However, the seemingly rapid development within the field of industry and technology diverted the societys awareness on the importance of environment protection. The discovery of new technological innovations attracted people towards adapting new ways and processes unmindful of the possible threats that these new inventions may bring to the environment. And over time, scientific discoveries have caused the deterioration and depletion of important natural resources. Alongside these innovations and the discovery of the harmful effects that these developments have inflicted on the environment, comes the need for increased awareness and concern in protecting the environment. If people will not learn how to control their utilization of the environment and the proper way of extracting uses from it, the natures gift endowed for the humans to make use of shall soon become scarce and will eventually die out completely. From this truth and realizations, certain organizations have emerged to save the environment from further abuse. Environmentalist groups have surfaced in order to prevent the environment from continuous depletion. These environmentalists were formed under the bond of concern for the environment, primarily towards ensuring the â€Å"preservation, restoration, or the improvement of the natural environment† (Rozeff, 2007). These groups of people hold advocacies in order to create a strong stand in promoting their cause and ideals. In addition to this, â€Å"green† companies have also been set up in order to fight for this cause. These companies are those who have responded to the need of protecting the environment, and those who have believed that doing such shall become favorable to them in the future. And as such, these environmentalist organizations and green companies have devised of ways to protect the environment while still reaping the benefits from rich natural resources. In this light, site management programs are being done in order to provide protection to land, water and air resources. These programs are geared towards effectively monitoring the status of natural environment with respect to its utilization, acts ensuring replenishment and maintenance and improvement of such resources (â€Å"Green Remediation,† 2008). Ecological and Soil Preservation The importance of preserving land formations translates into the preservation of the ecology in general. Land resources serve as the widest form of habitats for most of living organisms within the ecosystem. Thus, ensuring that the natural habitats are being well taken cared of will help maintain biodiversity which will benefit humans and other forms of living organisms. One way of ecological and soil preservation is through the use of grassfarming. Grassfarming, when done in a proper way will result to a net benefit in the environment. Animals raised through this process shall help in lessening the use of fossil fuels. Furthermore, development of pasture of this kind helps to reduce the occurrences of soil erosion. With the United States losing a significant mass of soil every year, diversion from the conventional ways of cropping and instead resorting towards row cropping will eventually lessen the rate of soil loss by up to 93 percent (â€Å"Grassfarming Benefits the Environment,† 2008). In addition to this, grazed pasture will also help in removing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Furthermore, grassfarming helps in reducing greenhouse gases thus eventually slowing down the rate of global warming (â€Å"Grassfarming Benefits the Environment,† 2008). Another way of preventing soil erosion is through tree trimming, tree planting and landscaping. While these processes keep soil erosion at a lesser rate and percentage, these also serve the purpose of beautifying the surrounding. While these work to create a more beautiful environment, these also increase the reliability of environment by strengthening and further enrichment of the resources available to humans (â€Å"Tree Trimming and Landscaping: Balancing Beauty and Reliability,† 2008). In general, the protection of ecology and soil preservation will eventually lead to the following: increase in wildlife habitat, reduce wind, water and soil erosion, decrease in carbon emission, protection of water resources and the establishment and development of â€Å"greenspaces† corridors (â€Å"Green Remediation,† 2008). The most important amongst these positive effects in the environment is that while the environment beautifies and becomes more useful for the people, the people will have a greater sense of property values. And as such, the community will have a better perception of the advantages that a â€Å"green† environment will serve for them. Water Preservation and Conservation Preservation of aqua life is also equally as important in maintaining a healthy environment. Developments in the society have pushed people towards over consumption of water resources. In addition, the commercialization rampant in every country has turned every water resource into either an industrial or commercial site. Thus, actions are needed towards recovering and conserving what is left of the planets water resources. In United States, the campaign in passing a National Healthy Oceans Act is being pushed. It is believed that upon the approval of the act, a cohesive national policy will be pushed to revitalize and revive the oceans. If this materializes, the protection of what is left in the countrys marine life shall be restored and protected (â€Å"Ocean Solutions,† n. d). In addition to this act, the development of underwater parks is also being suggested. The establishment of protected marine areas shall help preserve the rich marine life by allowing marine species to reproduce, thus providing a more balanced and diverse marine ecosystem (â€Å"Ocean Solutions,† n. d). In line with this, certain policies are also pushed which shall ensure that destructive fishing shall be stopped and violators will be properly reprimanded. It is necessary to know that use of destructive fishing will deliberately decrease marine diversity. Such policies will also promote for the prevention of occurrences of water pollution. Water pollution further hastens the development of water damage to natural systems. Thus, the government has provided ways to ensure that sewage systems are being monitored in order to prevent leakages that can further contribute to marine death. In addition to these, several conservation designs have been suggested in order to strengthen the campaign of water resources protection. These conservation designs include the formation of clusters and landscapes which shall enable the prevention of excessive water runoffs. Examples of these landscapes include trenches, basins, rain gardens and vegetated treatment systems among the others (â€Å"Green Remediation,† 2008). Moreover, military sonars are being put under restrictions. Military activities over time were proven to have induced harmful effects upon water resources, and as such, activities of this kind must be minimized. If these steps shall be taken, people can help curb the probable adverse effects of global warming. At the rate that global warming is currently occurring in the planet, the planet’s aquamarine resources are predicted to suffer from grave effects it may bring. Thus, being keen in preventing the further intoxication of the marine resources through excessive emission of carbon dioxide in bodies of water, people can help in sustaining and protecting the growth of diverse biofuels (â€Å"Ocean Solutions,† n. d). Air Quality Protection Every individual needs clean air in order to attain a healthy life. Maintaining the natural ecology by giving priority in the protection of trees also helps in cleaning the planet’s air resources. However, there are direct plans which can be done in order to strengthen the society’s position in keeping the atmosphere free from toxic gases. Green remediation activities that come in forms of certain policies can enormously aid in building standards necessary for protecting the atmosphere. Provisions made under Clean Air Act, Energy Policy Act and Energy Independence and Security Act are few of the policy programs which if followed can assist in maintaining clean air within the country (â€Å"Green Remediation,† 2008). Through these acts, it will be made clear that equipments needed in the manufacturing industry will be checked to make sure that companies comply in the reduced emission of harmful gases. These efforts will ensure that heavy equipments and vehicles are functioning properly in such a way that air protection opportunities are being guaranteed to work. Waste Management Given the three important aspects of environment which greatly need attention and protection, a proper and efficient waste management system also contributes to the prevention of environmental degradation. Aside from direct plans involving the environmental maintenance and revival, there are also activities which are seeking to prevent further degradation of the surroundings. In this light, an activity such as â€Å"Reduce, Reuse and Recycle† program is being initiated which is expected to increase the environment’s sustenance against pollution. In the event that this will be strictly observed, this will be of great help in pursuing waste reduction by recycling materials that can still used (â€Å"Reduce, Reuse and Recycle,† 2008). Thus, such activity will help save environment and at the same time, it will also help alleviate poverty by making use of trash materials as a source of livelihood. In general, a feasible waste management practice must take into consideration the opportunity of giving a worthy cause for livelihood while eliminating the threats to the environment. Ideally, an effective waste management system is geared towards (1) conserving landfill space; (2) reducing the environmental impacts coming from wastes while reducing the cost of producing new materials from old and used materials; and (3) reducing the overall project expenses by avoiding new and more expensive purchases and unnecessary disposal costs (â€Å"Green Remediation,† 2008). A Sustainable Development A greater understanding of the environment’s delicateness and vulnerability will lead the people towards the developing a greater sense of concern with how one makes positive use of the rich natural resources provided by the environment. However, even if the people will make use of environmental resources with outmost caution, there are resources that are cannot be renewed and replenished, or resources that take too long before they can be replenished. This then brings into light the importance of how to use our resources in a sustainable way. Though resources may be renewed and replenished, it is still necessary to know how to use them properly while allotting time for these resources to be replenished according to the pace that suits them. Trees and forest reserves are examples of renewable resources. While trees and forest can always be replenished, humans who make use of it should be careful in consuming the richness and wealth that these resources provide us. As such, people must be keen on knowing when it is time to start making actions towards ensuring that such resources will be given an ample time to replenish that resources that have already been utilized by humans. Consequently, nonrenewable resources are also present in the environment. These include the nature’s fossil reserves. Fossil fuels though are still currently rampant within the environment are nonrenewable resources, which if used inappropriately will soon become scarce. Thus, it is the obligation of human beings to know how to carefully and prudently use these resources in such a way that future generations will still have enough to make use of for their own development. In this light, renewable energy resources must be integrated properly to ensure future abundance and proliferation. And on the other hand, alternatives must be provided as replacements to nonrenewable resources. The utilization of solar and wind alternatives can be useful instead of continuously relying to nonrenewable fossil reserves as energy sources (â€Å"Green Remediation,† 2008). Thus, if these are given proper attention, while prolonging the life of the nature’s nonrenewable resources and protecting the environment, this can also help the economy in reducing country costs and liabilities. Ideally, an effective system in managing renewable and nonrenewable energy sources may result in the: (1) decrease in fossil fuel prices while ensuring long-term benefits and cost savings; (2) lowering the demand and reliability on traditional energy resources; (3) reducing the emissions from fossil fuel consumption; and (4) widening the opportunities for new market and job creation (â€Å"Green Remediation,† 2008). Environment Protection: Translation Towards Human and Economic Development As previously mentioned, the planet’s rich natural resources serve as the people’s basic source of livelihood. Without these resources, people will be left with nothing to feed on, no shelter and no means to survive. Thus, it is widely believed that poverty and environment are two interrelated concepts that humans must be able to grasp in order to attain the fullest potential that humans can attain. A report following the researches conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) concluded that to be able to battle poverty, people must turn towards environmental protection. The relationship between the two is linked in a â€Å"downward spiral† wherein the poorest among the nation are those who have extracted their environmental resources towards the limits without being keen on replenishing them. Thus, environmental degradation has further impoverished people due to lack of education and knowledge to keep the resources alive (â€Å"UNDP-EC Poverty and Environment Initiative,† 2004). Thus, the goal set up by the UNDP Environment Initiative is to provide practitioners and policy makers in identifying solutions towards equipping the people with proper knowledge on how to take care of natural resources while allowing them the privilege of making use of the environment’s richness. Given the immense importance of environmental resources to the lives of every people living in the planet, it is of great necessity that people must learn how to utilize these resources in such a way that the environment retains its healthy form and condition. The processes, policies and projects stated beforehand are bright solutions towards maintaining a sustainable development. The environment is one of the best gifts bestowed upon human beings. Observing â€Å"green† practices and making sure that environmental protection is put at first priority on top of human selfishness and recklessness will benefit not only the environment itself, but more specially human beings who are largely dependent on the gifts that environment provides. References Grassfarming Benefits the Environment. (2008). Eatwild. Retrieved July 29, 2008, from http://www. eatwild. com/environment. html Green Remediation: Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices Into Remediation of Contaminated Sites. (2008). United States Environmental Protection Agency. Ocean Solutions. (n. d) NRDC. Retrieved July 29, 2008, from http://oceans. nrdc. org/solutions Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. (2008) The Green Flag Program. Retrieved July 29, 2008, from http://www. greenflagschools. org/mshs/project_areas/ Rozeff, M. S. (2007) What is Environmentalism? LewRockwell. com. Retrieved July 29, 2008, from http://www. lewrockwell. com/rozeff/rozeff151. html Tree Trimming and Landscaping: Balancing Beauty and Reliability. (2008) Knoxville Utilities Board. Retrieved July 29, 2008, from http://www. kub. org/wps/portal/! ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gPC1OnYE8TIwMDlwAnAyMfl1BLU1c3D1cPA_1wkA68KvDKG-GXDzQzhMgb4ACOBvp-Hvm5qfoF2dlBHuWOigCUwDZj/dl2/d1/L3dJMjJZZyEhL0lCakFBQVFnQUlUQ0FBaUNJQUNBb2dBSUJ1d0FDR0EhL1lCcDNwSnchLzZfSDg1QlNJNDIwMERQQjAyTERVOTVFRkhFNjA! / UNDP-EC Poverty and Environment Initiative. (2004) United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved July 30, 2008, from http://www. undp. org/seed/pei/

Friday, November 15, 2019

Competitive Environment For Proton Company

Competitive Environment For Proton Company The first Malaysia national car is PROTON. The main competitor in Malaysia in term of automobile companies and affordable car is PERODUA. The competitive environment as we can see approximately in Malaysia is affordable car where all native of a Malaysia can buy it and the car maintenances also cheap. You see, the porter five are been applied for more obviously because the competitive environment not only about the competitor. It can be about the economic decline, natural misfortune and etc. Porter five 1. Competitive Rivalry 2. Threat of New Entrant 3. Threat of Substitutes   4. Buyer Power 5. Supplier Power Competitive Rivalry   In Malaysia, after PERODUA that is main competitor for proton , there is not too much competitor around affordable car. The low cost car as mentioned above is not have a lot of competitor in generally. The affordable car in Malaysia has a more potential to sell compared to luxury car that only specific people are used it. A family will have more than 1 car. Definitely, the first car they will choose the cheaper car and affordable car. New Entrant has a high threat    Recession the economic will be a big threat for PROTON. We know that, all big company will facing over budget or does not achieve the sale for that year. The government will lose a lot of money cause of policy and shareholders. By the way, economic downward tendency actually comes suddenly without notice. High threat from Substitutes Malaysia has tow national car. First : PROTON , second : PERODUA. The substitutes will high in term of car model and some of them looks similar. Buyer Power Buyer will choose the cheap car for the first car and buyer also actually are fragmented. Therefore , it will not has much influence.   Supplier Power Nowadays compared to the many years ago ,this is not giving a big threat for PROTON. International Market for Proton The objectives of the Malaysian National Car:   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rationalize the local automotive industry à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Spearhead the development of a local component industry and to enhance greater use of local components.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Encourage the upgrading of technology, engineering knowledge and technical skills of the countrys workforce.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Assist and develop Bumiputera (the indigenous people of Malaysia) participation in the automotive industry.  [1] Swot Analysis For Proton Holding As a Government connected Company, Proton is protected in term of financial capabilities. Furthermore, as the first  national automotive manufacturer they have more than 20 years of experience and backed by the more than 1000 suppliers and highly concentrated distributed the service and distribution way out. As financial year ender 31  March 2006 denoted, the net value of asset is more than RM 5 billion while the liabilities is only about RM 2 billion. Proton had begun on a project with the Lotus. Group to improve a hybrid vehicle proficient of running on both gasoline and electricity and others special projects that are concentrating on technology development. This program direct to raise high the technology to a level that is on par with their global rivals by creating an alternative vehicle for the future which provides customers with less fuel consumption, decrease emanation and uncompromising performance. The increase numbers of substantial order by the different overseas markets were far in surplus of the number shipped, the difference was due to restrictions in the supply chain. There is no uncertain that demand for Proton cars in the overseas markets exists. As such, looking forward into financial year 2007, the company predicts a meaningful improvement in the number of Proton cars sold overseas. The weaknesses of Proton Holdings Berhad PROTON was incorporated on 7 May 1983 with three primary national policy objectives: To spearhead the development of component manufacturing industries, to acquire and upgrade technology and industrial skills within the automobile manufacturing industry and to strengthen the international competitiveness of Malaysias industrial capability. The failure by Proton to find a foreign partner is a warning signal that it is no longer a competitive and economically viable entity with current market situation and questionable management decisions that causes Proton to lose money when other finds profits. Therefore, Proton Holdings Berhad needs to consider a foreign partnership to further improve on its quality and service to the buyers. Khazanah Malaysia, the Malaysian governments investment arm, holding about 42.74% of Proton, followed by the Employees Provident Fund with 15.4 per cent and Petronas with 7.9 per cent. Price/Earnings: Not Meaningful Price/Sales: 0.3x (2/5 points) Price/Book: 0.4x (2/5 points) Price/Cash Flow: Not Meaningful TEV/Sales: 0.1x (3/5 points) A merger has its advantages economies of scale, market domination, etc. but an enlarged national car company could create many duplications i.e. product, dealers network, vendors etc. Proton is finding it tough to trim its network of suppliers and distributors. National car company Proton Holdings Berhad once dominated with a majority share in the market. It has since not only lost that majority, its sales in unit terms have even dropped below that of unlisted Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Berhad (Perodua). UMW Holdings Berhad is the biggest in the sector, with a market value of RM5.9 billion, compared with Protons RM1 billion. Although, UMW has an important oil and gas division, it derives most of its profits from its Toyota division, the most profitable in the industry. In contrast, Proton reported a loss of RM75 million in the October December quarter last year. It is exceeded in market value by Oriental Holdings Berhad (RM2.3 billion) and DRB-HICOM Berhad (RM1.4 billion), both of which are diversified motor-based groups. In my conclusion, Proton should continue to seek strategic alliances and further expand its market globally due to the termination of talks with Volkswagen AG in the year of 2007. In my point of view, Proton needs to basically integrate more into the global supply chain and the global market. Basically, we have not attained the kind of export penetration projected when the company was established. Global motor vehicle industry was undergoing a consolidation and Proton should be part of this trend. We need to be part of the bigger family in a way that works for us. Till date, we did not have any clarification regarding The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) submit its report on Proton Holdings Berhads sale of Italian motorbike manufacturer, MV Augusta to GEVI s.p.a at one euro to Parliament because Proton had acquired a 57.75 percent stake in MV Augusta in December 2004 for 70 million euro (RM367.6 million). Swot Analysis Of Proton Holding Berhad Originally conceived by Malaysias Prime Minister of the day, Dato Seri Mahathir Mohamad, PROTON Bhd was incorporated on 7th May 1983 with the aim of building a national car. Two years later, On 9th July 1985 the Proton Saga was officially launched. It was Malaysias first domestically produced car and is still sold in Malaysia and other countries today. The original factory plant, covering 99,400 sq m, is situated at Shah Alam near Kuala Lumpur in central Malaysia. The site also houses an engine and transmission factory, a castings plant, RD centre and a semi-high speed test track. The factory is currently producing 240,000 units per annum. Opened in 2005, a state of the art assembly plant was constructed at Tanjung Malim, 60 miles north of Kuala Lumpur. This area has been named Proton City and consists of 500 hectare site containing the factory, plant, housing, a university and other commercial buildings to accommodate component suppliers. This plant produces the three newest model ranges, the GEN-2, Savvy and Satria Neo. Protons total workplace in Malaysia totals just over 6,000 personnel working in all areas of vehicle design, RD, production and manufacturing. With a solid base built up since 1983, Malaysias car manufacturing industry is progressing rapidly.   Proton tool a major step forward in upgrading its engineering capabilities when it acquired a share in Lotus are closely involved in Protons new model development, with a team of engineers permenantly based at the design and development centre in Malaysia. The Company has come a long way since 1983, PROTON was publicly listed on the Kuala Lumpur stock Exchange in 1992, and today, Proton cars are exported to mor than 50 countries worldwide. Key export markets include Australia, Singappore, the far East and the UK, where during 2009 it celebrates 20 years in the market place.   Since 1989, Proton Cars (UK) Ltd have been offering the British public reliable value for money vehicles. Swot Analysis On Proton The Benefits of Training for SCI Patients The benefits of cardiovascular exercise and training can be easily noted by comparing trained SCI athletes with untrained SCI patients. It must be noted (and will be further discussed later) that training benefits are somewhat contingent upon the level of spinal cord injury. A study by Bhambhani, Holland, Eriksson, and Steadward (1994 p. 260) investigated physiological responses during wheelchair racing comparing quadriplegics to paraplegics. They found the peak values of V02, heart rate, and VE which were obtained during incremental velocity wheelchair exercises to be significantly higher in paraplegics than quadriplegics. No significant differences were found between these groups for 02 pulse (which is the oxygen utilization per heart beat). These findings are consistent with other researchers who investigated the same responses for these two groups (Eriksson, Lofstom, and Ekblom,1988 p. 145). This is a citation. If you are using books, or internet, you must put in your essay:- (authors name, year, and page no)   If you are using business magazine, you must put in your essay:- (author, business magazines name, year, and page no) The previously mentioned study by Eriksson et al (1988) also investigated the aerobic power during a maximal exercise by comparing trained versus untrained quad and paraplegics. They found peak V02 differences to be as high as a 38% increase for trained athietes versus nontrained. They noted that a well trained quadriplegic individual is physiologically comparable to an untrained paraplegic with a low level injury, therefore, physical training can largely reduce the differences between quadriplegics and paraplegics. Also by comparing the trained paraplegic athletes to non trained able bodied persons, the able bodied persons achieved only a slightly higher V02 peak, again pointing out the benefits of training. Proton Berhads Swot Analysis If Expends Its Operation To India A SWOT Analysis of Proton Holding Berhad will be carried out to to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in this project. The report will be separated into 2 parts. Firstly this report will discuss about the profile of Proton Holdings Berhad and nature of its business in order to analyse the internal factors. In the second part, SEPT Analysis will be carried out to analyse the related external factors in India in sectors of Social, Economy, Politic and Technology. At the end, the result of SWOT analysis will be presented accompanied by recommendations to expend its operation internationally into India. Proton Holdings Berhad à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton is a Malaysian national automobile manufacturer. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton Holdings Berhad is the holding company which is listed on the Bursa Malaysia. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ 14,706 Proton cars were exported in 2006 to other countries/ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton exports cars to the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Australia and the company is aggressively marketing its cars in several other countries including the Middle East. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton cars has also been exporting a small volume of cars to other countries like: 1. Singapore 2. Brunei 3. Indonesia 4. Nepal 5. Sri Lanka 6. Pakistan 7. Bangladesh 8. Taiwan 9. Cyprus   10. Mauritius à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton has never succeeded to export their car to the US, because the cars required many changes to meet American safety standards in order to secure coverage from auto insurers and satisfy legislative requirements. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In some countries,    Proton cars suffer somewhat from a poor public image because of their designs. Strengths   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton has over 20 years of experience in Automotive industry à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Many cars are exported by Proton to many countries every years, proves that proton has the experience of exporting cars.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cons of Obamacare

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is the first major healthcare act passed since the 1967's Medicare and Medicade act. Obamacare is the name given by critics, because of the power that is given to the federal government to regulate healthcare prices. The reason given that this act was passed is that it willl save billions of federal dollars each year. Many people against the act believe it should be repealed ,and the reason for this is, because it gives away healthcare to people who don't pay for it.The act also takes away from seniors who really need the medi,cade benefits, and also makes doctors increase how much people pay them. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is an extreme set of laws that give the federal government too much power over health care, lets government choose the price of health care, takes away health benefits from senior citizens, takes away more care from people who work for it truly deserve the care, and in addition it is already costing three times more than what it was expected to cost.The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is an act that generally lets everyone have health care, and is supposed to make health care cheaper. The idea of this plan is to reduce the cost of health care over a decade by 1. 2 trillion dollars making everyone get health care. Overall studies have shown that in the first decade it actually cost 3. 2 trillion dollars to insure everyone, and that is not good at all.There are many good parts of medicare like how it benfits small business, and it allows for parents to let their kids stay on their own insuramce plan until they are 26 which actually earns health insuracne companies for money in the long term. However the Obamacare will actually hurt the middle class, and more than likely increase health insurance cost for everyone. This wiill ultimately hurt our budget deficit recovery plan which is the whole reason the PPAC was initially made. Obamacare was a dishonest plan to begin with, and if Romney gets in office hopefully he will repeal the horrible act that is Obamacare.Many people think The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is socialism. There are many reasons for this, one is that it lets the federal government mandate what the price of health care is which in effect can cause the prices of healthcare to go up dramatically within the next four years. This also makes everyone get health care even if that set family cant afford it which is a form of Socialism. If you refuse to get the new health care, like in the case of small businesses with over 50 employees they will drop existing businesses medicade plan that you have, and you wont have the extra care at all.In all technicallity there has been no limit in which the federal government can tax Americans for health care. In the long run that will put a bigger dent in Americas economy and our debt to China. Senior citizens across the country who cant afford regular health care prices use medicade to lower their price, and The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is making it more difficult for seniors to recieve Medicade help practically taking all the relief given to senior citizens with obamacare. The effects on senior citizens will be catastrophic there will be a shortage of 95,000 doctors due to pay cuts.Which will make it to where less and less people can be seen by a doctor each day. Seniors, in fact, will have to pay at least ten percent more than their usual medicare plan due to tax cuts, and price increases. Another bad fact is that due to Obama's irresponsible tax cuts that fifteen percent of medicare or medicaid plans will be cut from the system, directly affecting the amount of care that seniors will be able to recieve no matter what. One elderly woman from Massachusetts who is fighting parkinson's says that she has already stopped recieving cheap care because doctors are already p reparing for Obamacare in 2013.In 2010 president Barack Obama ensured us that in the first decade of his healthcare plan it will save us 1. 2 trillion dollars. However that was false, and The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 will cost three times more than what was originally projected. Republican senators have shown this estimate everytime they calculate the plan, and many say that Obama just plain out lied to Americans who had given him support. Also it will put Americans in an extra two trillion dollar deficit in which the total deficit will add up to 5 trillion dollars.The senate is already pushing to ammend the bill to where maybe we can correct his mistakes, but also save us money in the first three decades which was originally projected. Obama held a joint session in 2010 where he practically said this is the plan, and it will cost 900 billion dollars however its already made us spent three more times the usual amount for any health care plan in America. Man y people who some say don't deserve healthcare are getting healthcare while middle class families are giving more than ever to support these bums.Obamacare is practically ripping care out of the hands of people who work hard for care, yet supports the poor people who cant afford it. Now we must understand that there are special circumstances for people, but most people have the energy to get off the couch so they should be able to find a job. In most circumstances if they got laid off or whatever the other circumstances are, but it doesnt mean Obama should just give special care to these people because there to lazy to go out and work every day like normal Americans. The conclusion to my thoughts about The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is simple.One, it lets the government choose the price of healthcare and medicade, and also is a form of socialism. Two, war veterans, and senior citizens who worked hard everyday for our country are steadily being taken from. Thr ee, the act grants them the power to tax more from medicade. Next, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is starting to cost three times more than president Barack Obama originally projected it to cost. In conclusion the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 could've been a great act, but many others think it will be a economic disaster that sets off another depression.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Engage In Personal Development Essay

1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role Job description 1.2 And 3.1 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards. Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards. A day in the life at my setting. Arriving at my setting each day I am required to sign in and note down the time. I put my bag in a safe and secure place so children cannot access. I check the message board and liaise with other staff members for any important updates. We have a child with a food intolerance so I informed the cook to make them aware the child was catered for at all meals during the day. My 1st hour was spent upstairs with the toddlers aged between 2 and 3 years. I then checked the planner to see what activities we had for that day. Today I set up the drawing table ensuring there was enough paper, crayons and chairs available for all the children present. I sat with the children whilst they joined in with the activity. Talking to the children about what they were doing and describing all the different colours, sizes, shapes etc. This was promoting their speech and language development and using creative skills too. Whilst supervising this activity I decided to complete a short observation on one of t he children as she began to count and sing. I was interacting with all of the children trying to maintain interest. After a short while it was then time to tidy away all the equipment from the actives in which we encourage the children to help too. Once the room was tidy we decided to take the children outside in to the garden. Most of our toddlers are able to collect and put on their coats which we also encourage to do but some children are unable to achieve this at the moment. I helped to escort the children safely down the stairs ensuring they hold on to the rail and do a head count to make sure all children were present. I performed the outdoor risk assessment using the  daily check list. The children then are supervised using the toilet and washing their hands ready for lunch. I seat the children down at the tables ensuring they have cleaned their hands and they have adequate space to eat. I supply them all with a drink and we sing songs whilst the food is being dished out. I have prepared the child’s food separately who has the food intolerance ensuring they receive the correct meal . The child is also supervised eating to ensure they do not mix foods with the other children. Some children have not developed the skills to cut their own food so I will assist with helping them to do that. Ensuring the meals are cool enough I then give each child a meal and always remind them of good manners by saying â€Å"please† and â€Å"thank you†. If children do not like the meal or try to refuse it I will always encourage them to try it. If I am working alongside the babies the above applies except some of the babies are too young to feed themselves and have not yet developed those skills. Babies will also need help with bottle feeding. I would also prepare the bottle feeds following the nursery policy. Ensuring correct formula is mixed and all bottles have been sterilised. Back in the toddler room, a child was struggling with their food and looked like they was choking. I immediately helped the child by taking the food out of their mouth with my little finger. The child became distressed so I comforted them until they were able to return to their meal. Meal times are always supervised by all members of staff to help with any incidents like this. All meal times are recorded in the daily chart. This is where we write down what the child has eaten so we can relay this back to the parents/carers. When the children have finished their meal I help to clean the children up and get them ready for their afternoon sleep. I assist with the toileting and other members of staff will go through the nappy change routine. The children in the toddler room go to find their own sleep mats with the aid of their name and picture tag. Most children will remove their own footwear but again some have not yet developed those skills, so I will help. Some children have their own comforters which I put out for them and I help to get them off to sleep with gentle patting. Once the children are asleep, I ensure the room monitors are on and working, make sure the room temperature is ok and all the children have their own blankets and they are safe. I then record each child in the daily sleep chart. This chart is for ours and parents benefits. We record when they sleep and when they wake up. As some children are only allowed a certain amount of sleep, this will help us to know when we have to wake them up. I then check on the children in the sleep room every 10 minutes with the aid of a timer. When children wake from their afternoon sleep they are always asked to use the toilet. Some children are upset when they awake so I will always comfort them. The afternoon usually consists of taking the children outside for free play. I get all their coats bags etc together and help to put their coats on. On this occasion it was a nice sunny day so I applied their own sun cream following the nursery sun cream policy. I ensure they have sun hats and the sun cream is applied liberally. Before we go outside I take 4 children at a time down the stair and reiterate the importance of holding the hand rail. A head count is once again recorded and an outdoor check is done following the outdoor risk assessment. The toddlers are escorted outsi de counting each child as they go. They are shortly followed by the children/babies from the tiny room downstairs and they all play in the same garden. The children are supervised with in ratio. As its free play time, I leave the children to play but some children like me to join in with what they are playing with. Child A is playing with a dolls pram and child B is trying to take that away from them. I intervene and explain to child B â€Å"we do not take toys from our friends when they are playing with them, it’s not very kind†. Child B is upset so I took the child away and provided them with another toy to distract them from child A. This works very well and child B goes off playing happily alone with the other toy. Child A is also happy and also continues to play. Shortly after another incident happened where a child has fallen and bumped their head. As I comfort the child I asked another staff member to get a cold compress. This is applied to the child for 10 minutes whilst still trying to comfort the child. The head bump is not too bad and the child soon calms down and returns playing. I then completed an accident form following nursery policy. This is then signed by the parent when the child is collected. During the afternoon, parents/carers come to collect their children. I greet the parents and explain what their child has been doing throughout the day, taking the information off the daily record sheet. We usually have a short chat with the parents/carers about the child’s day and will also take interest in their day too. We have a good  relationship with our parents/carers and this also helps us to get to know the parents/carers and children too. After all the children have gone home, we tidy round and ensure the nursery is ready for the next day ahead. 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided. The nursery setting is always changing is so many different ways. We have new children being welcomed in to the setting and then we have children going through different types of transitions. The service we provide must reflect the needs of the children and by constantly improving our services we can better meet the need of the children and support their development. By constantly reflecting on out practice we can assess where we may be lacking in skills or knowledge and we can update these regularly to keep our services up to date and as supportive to the children as possible. A good example on reflective practice is, we have a child that has developed an intolerance to milk, dairy products etc. We have briefed all staff members with information regarding lactose free diet for this child. We have a couple of children who have turned 2 years and have completed the transition u pstairs to the toddler room. This meant we have more babies downstairs in our tiny room and the room has been slightly equipped with more age relevant toys and equipment. If we did not reflect on this, it could hinder the development of the younger babies. Everyone makes mistakes – they are one way of learning. It is important not to waste your mistakes, so if something has gone wrong, make sure you learn from it. Discuss problems and mistakes with your supervisor, and work out how to do things differently next time. You can use reflective skills in order to learn from situations that have not worked out the way you planned. It is important that you consider carefully why things turned out the way they did and think about how you will ensure that they go according to plan next time. Talking to colleagues and supervisors is equally useful when things work out really well, as it is important to reflect on success as well as failure. If you reflect on why something worked, this will make it more likely that you can repeat it. Information taken from 2.3 Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect  working practices What we believe in, what we see as important and what we see as acceptable or desirable is an essential part of who we are. The way in which we respond to people is linked to what we believe in, what we consider important and what interests us. We may find we react positively to people who share our values and less warmly to people who have different priorities. As a professionals, we are required to provide the same quality of support for all, not just for those who share our views and beliefs. The key term here is Diversity – being different; people are unique according to their own background, culture, personality, race, any disability, gender, religion/belief, sexual orientation and age. 4.1 Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development. Personal development is to do with developing the personal qualities and skills that everyone needs in order to live and work with others, such as understanding, empathy, patience, communication and relationship-building. It is also to do with the development of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-respect. In my setting there is always support for planning and reviewing my own development. I have already opted to improve my skills and development with a couple of course due to start in December 2014. You need to have these goals in mind; †¢ What you are trying to achieve? †¢ How you are you going to achieve it? †¢ How you will be able to tell when you have achieved it? It’s also helpful to further your development by asking other team members, duty manager and managers. We have a fantastic team who are very helpful and are ready to give any help and advice to anyone who needs it. At my setting there are many text books, magazines and brochures with vital information I can look through if I feel need some extra information in a certain topic of interest to further my development. We also have regular appraisals to guide and encourage further development and to also discuss current work practice. I feel this is extremely important. This not only boosts self-esteem but also gives management a chance to reflect on your work practice and if there is any further development training needed. Ref:

Friday, November 8, 2019

In What ways are Edna St Vincent Millay and Elizabeth Barrett Browning similar in their attitudes to Love and men Essays

In What ways are Edna St Vincent Millay and Elizabeth Barrett Browning similar in their attitudes to Love and men Essays In What ways are Edna St Vincent Millay and Elizabeth Barrett Browning similar in their attitudes to Love and men Paper In What ways are Edna St Vincent Millay and Elizabeth Barrett Browning similar in their attitudes to Love and men Paper she sticks to the images of religion and G-d, With my lost saints, and in G-d choose, I shall but love thee better after death. This emphasises purity and faith to her love. Pity me not, tells the reader not to pity her or to feel sorry for her because the sky gets dark at night, Pity me not because the light of day at close of day no longer walks the sky. Not to feel sorry for her because the seasons change and the world goes on, Pity me not for beauties passed away from field and thicket as the year goes by. Not to pity her because he fell out of love with her Nor that a mans desire is hushed so soon. Not to pity her because love is easy to find and easy to loose, Love is no more than the wide blossom which the wind assails. But DO feel sorry for her because her heart doesnt work with her head, and so she is therefore nai ve, Pity me that the heart is slow to learn what the swift mind beholds at every turn. Pity me not uses images of nature From field and thicket. It also uses the image of blossom, which represents fragility. The sea is also used to show a clear image of the tide coming and going, just as love does, Nor than the ebbing tide goes out to sea. All of the three poems use a pentameter to enhance the seriousness of the sonnet and love. The sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning is very personalised. Barrett Browning uses religion as an image of how much she loves him, because she used to love G-d and now she loves him. Elizabeth uses the rule of three, I love thee freely , I love thee purely ,and I love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs . When she says; I love thee this very definite and assertive list of how much she loves him is so we dont doubt her love. Elizabeth Barrett Browning is definitely in love, conversely, to Edna St Vincent Millay who doubts love. Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses lots of common nouns, because she wants love to be shown how she feels it really is, and by using phrases such as I love thee with the passion put to use, which gives her emotion an image. Similarly Edna, also uses images to help the reader understand how she feels. Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses more physical images e. g. passion then Edna St Vincent Millay. Elizabeth Barrett Browning begins talking about her soul and how she loves this man to eternity. This shows how we cant measure how large her love is. Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses images of sun and candlelight, which gives me the impression that he is her everlasting light and he provides all the light she needs. Elizabeth ends her sonnet with the quote, I shall love thee better after death, which gives the reader an impression that her love grows stronger with age and that nothing can ever separate them, not even death. All three sonnets use lots of rhetorical devices. Both Edna and Elizabeth use repletion Pity me not , Pity me not and the rule of three is shown in I love thee. These make the phrase stick in your head and enhance their ideas and the depth of Elizabeths love. The sonnets What lips my lips have Kissed and How do I love thee, both begin with the rhyme A, B, B, A. This gives the sonnet a musical feel. The tone of How do I love thee? is one of adoration. She is almost singing to him because she has a religious feeling towards him. The poem is very mysterious because we dont have any idea of what he looks like or acts like so he remains in our imagination. Perhaps Elizabeth Barrett Browning could have done this so that her love remained a secret from her father. All three of the sonnets are a personal interpretation of love and lust. What ever you believe in, whether it is love at first sight, real love or lust, the three sonnets I have chosen express personal views of what Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Edna St Vincent Millay believe is the real truth behind love.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Four Ways to Beat the Feast and Famine Cycle (Without Burning Out)

Four Ways to Beat the Feast and Famine Cycle (Without Burning Out) Freelance writing is a balancing act. If you take on too much work, you burn out. If you take on too little work, you risk a crater-sized hole in your bank account. What counts as just enough work or just enough income varies from one freelance writer to another, but its easier to find that sweet spot in the middle when you: Pitch Often You dont have to pitch articles every day (though if that works for you, Take at Least One Light But Regular Gig The problem with high-paying assignments, like those from magazines and big-name corporations, is that theyre usually temporary. You need something to tide you over in-between these assignments, which is where the light-but-regular-gig comes in. (For starters, check out the gigs advertised at Blog Writers Wanted.) Think of this extra gig as a part-time job. It might pay lower than what youre comfortable with, but at least youll have pocket money. Besides, if the gig involves tasks like social media promotion and image editing, you can expand your existing skill set, which puts you in a good position to haggle for higher rates in the future. A word of warning, though: Dont stay too long in these kinds of jobs. You might fall into the habit of churning out only easy articles, leaving you with little time and energy to craft more difficult, more lucrative, pieces. If a better opportunity comes along, and the extra gig is becoming more of a burden than its worth, drop it as soon and as professionally as you can. Use the 45-15 Rule To better handle these tasks, create a schedule. You need time to pitch, time to write those $1-a-word assignments, and time for your extra gig. Sounds like a lot to squeeze into a day, right? Not if you allocate 15 minutes of rest for every 45 minutes of work. This method keeps your energy levels stable throughout the day, no matter how many hours you work. The 45-15 rule helps you accomplish and earn more, without sucking every last bit of energy out of you. Make It a Habit to Freewrite Freewriting may not be directly related to income, but it can spell the difference between five articles a month and five articles a week. Before you write any paid article, jot down as many ideas as you can about that article without opening Google and without stopping to check whether your ideas make any sense. Youll be surprised at what you can come up with, and how fast youll be able to write the final product. Feast and famine doesnt have to be your awkward bedfellow. With these tips, youll be on your way to a more fruitful and less stressful writing career.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Are UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) the Future of Our Military Essay

Are UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) the Future of Our Military - Essay Example onclusion might have been, the US Air Force has come out to close the debate once and for all by declaring that UAVs are the way to go in the future, through their Flight Plan 2009-2047 (USAF, 2009). The question that might come to the mind of the reader is â€Å"What are the factors that made the US Air Force turn completely from rejecting the UAVs as a viable technology in the 1970s to declaring them as a key to the future of this countrys defenses?† My own views on UAVs is that they definitely are the future of our military, and this discussion will give a technological overview on why I think so and why the Air Force has gone for it too. Also, it will discuss what aspects of the future might it take hold upon, clearly showing what UAVs are good for and what roles in aerial warfare will still be manned. The focus of our military is to have the best possible control on all aspects of warfare. The focus, then, is on technology. Technology and cost go side by side. Economic comparison of UAVs with manned aircraft is also done in the study to put everything into perspective. Following are some reasons for which UAVs are the future of our military in the light of technology and economy: Warfare is the name of knowing what your opponent might do next. Whoever knows that has a higher chance of winning the war than the ignorant party. UAVs provide the best technological solution for constant surveillance – even better than satellites. UAVs have flight times over days. Even if manned aerial vehicles has such endurance, the human can never stay in flight for so long. Thus, this gives UAVs an edge in their surveillance capability and ease of operation over manned systems. A plane can stay in flight over enemy territory only for as long as the enemy cannot shoot it down. The only way to prevent that is to be invisible to radar. The low speeds along with very high flight altitude of UAVs, makes them that (Pappalardo, 2010). Airframes can be designed to magnanimous

Friday, November 1, 2019

How does media affect the way people percieve the world Essay

How does media affect the way people percieve the world - Essay Example Hostility of Moroccans towards US has increased from 61 percent in 2002 to 88 percent in 2004. Egypt negative perception of US has risen from 76 percent to 96 percent. An Opinion poll (study) conducted in Egypt at Cairo University in 2002 revealed that 72 percent of the respondents held negative perception of US when compared to 28 percent of the respondents who portrayed positive attitudes. The American regime is portrayed as a hostile country that fails to respect the rights of other individuals. People in Middle East have used various words to describe US such as tyranny, supremacy, deceit, pro Israel, enemy, hypocrisy and ethical decay (El-Bendary, 2011). Research has suggested that Arab hostility towards U.S is worsened by US activities and policies in the Middle East. It has its origin from the Gulf war and the alleged US support of Israel in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Additionally, there have been allegations that America is trying to humiliate and subject Arab people to their ideologies. Because of this, the Arab regimes (through their control of the media), have been spreading negative stereotyped images about the west (Zogby, 2004). The Arab opinion of U.S policy in the Middle East is much influenced by the Arab media. Video footage showing images of violence in the West Bank and Gaza strip are delivered across Arab satellite news channel, radio and by other news agencies to the millions of Muslims and Arabs around the World. The Americans foreign policy is defined and debated over Arab media as it unfolds. Satellite television, newspaper, magazines and radios have the greatest influence in the Middle East as they are accessed by many audiences (Zogby, 2004). The information contained in the Arab media about the US is a perception of how the Arabs and Muslims think about the west. There is a disregard whether the news is negative or positive. Americans have adopted the same logic. The popular culture and mass media in the United Stated have come up with stereotypes that portray all Muslims as Arabs and all Arabs as terrorist. The Americans utilize representations and language in cartoons, movies, news, magazine stories, the popular culture and the media in propagating of evil Arab stereotypes. These stereotypes are comprised of various people, beliefs, ideas, religions and assumptions. Movies and magazines present tainted images of Middle East men. The recent movies have highlighted Barbarism and cruelty as the common traits associated with Arabs. The Mentioned stereotypes are a false mental image and are not from the true image (Mady, 2004). The United States has made efforts to present a clear image of American society and polices, which have not had an impact. Washington has sponsored various Arabic-language media organization. This includes Hi Magazine, Al Hurra TV and Radio Sawa. In spite of this funding ($62 million to Al Hurra in 2004 alone), these stations and publications have failed to project and improve America n credibility in the Middle East region. Galal notes that the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S illustrate the problem of negatively held perception about U.S in the Arab and Muslim World (El-Bendary, 2011). Differences and Similarities between the Middle East and the United States According to Mady (2004), the media in the Middle East and United states have had many significant similarities despite their