Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Four Ways to Beat the Feast and Famine Cycle (Without Burning Out)

Four Ways to Beat the Feast and Famine Cycle (Without Burning Out) Freelance writing is a balancing act. If you take on too much work, you burn out. If you take on too little work, you risk a crater-sized hole in your bank account. What counts as just enough work or just enough income varies from one freelance writer to another, but its easier to find that sweet spot in the middle when you: Pitch Often You dont have to pitch articles every day (though if that works for you, Take at Least One Light But Regular Gig The problem with high-paying assignments, like those from magazines and big-name corporations, is that theyre usually temporary. You need something to tide you over in-between these assignments, which is where the light-but-regular-gig comes in. (For starters, check out the gigs advertised at Blog Writers Wanted.) Think of this extra gig as a part-time job. It might pay lower than what youre comfortable with, but at least youll have pocket money. Besides, if the gig involves tasks like social media promotion and image editing, you can expand your existing skill set, which puts you in a good position to haggle for higher rates in the future. A word of warning, though: Dont stay too long in these kinds of jobs. You might fall into the habit of churning out only easy articles, leaving you with little time and energy to craft more difficult, more lucrative, pieces. If a better opportunity comes along, and the extra gig is becoming more of a burden than its worth, drop it as soon and as professionally as you can. Use the 45-15 Rule To better handle these tasks, create a schedule. You need time to pitch, time to write those $1-a-word assignments, and time for your extra gig. Sounds like a lot to squeeze into a day, right? Not if you allocate 15 minutes of rest for every 45 minutes of work. This method keeps your energy levels stable throughout the day, no matter how many hours you work. The 45-15 rule helps you accomplish and earn more, without sucking every last bit of energy out of you. Make It a Habit to Freewrite Freewriting may not be directly related to income, but it can spell the difference between five articles a month and five articles a week. Before you write any paid article, jot down as many ideas as you can about that article without opening Google and without stopping to check whether your ideas make any sense. Youll be surprised at what you can come up with, and how fast youll be able to write the final product. Feast and famine doesnt have to be your awkward bedfellow. With these tips, youll be on your way to a more fruitful and less stressful writing career.

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