Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Finance for managers essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Finance for managers - Essay Example There are generally no hassles when owned capital is employed for executing budgetary plans. But problems arise on use of debt capital. These problems of debt financing are as under: 3. Financial leverage or gearing of the capital employed affect future funding for the business. For example during periods of depressions the entities will find difficulties in raising capital through issuance of equities. On basis of study conducted by Catherine Stenzel and Joe Stenzel (page 82)2, it may be observed that irrespective of model of the budget adopted, budgets normally incorporate three mistakes that limit the scope and decision taking abilities of the entities. Those three mistakes are as under: It is seen that budgets do not align resources to strategic objectives of the firm. Budgets do not reveal the business strategies. Logically the budgets should translate the strategic goals into actionable operations in quantitative terms. But this does not happen. Budgets and strategic objective some time appear far apart in planning the use of resources. Budgets are constructed keeping in mind the resources in hand. There is no planning under budgetary process to create resources to meet strategic objectives. Entities declare mission statements and strategic objectives enthusiastically in big way. It is seen that during budgeting, very few so called flaccid budgets, that are presently in operations, care for business plans and plan activities to achieve those strategic goals. In words of Catherine Stenzel and Joe Stenzel ‘one final flaw that can reduce budgeting relevance and lead to flaccid budget centers on parochial claims to resources.’ That is to say resources under budgetary process are allocated on competitive basis and not as per preferences set out in the strategic objectivity. Conventional budgets do not describe methods for arriving at budget proposals or at allocation of funds. The methodology

Monday, October 28, 2019

Erasmus, Praise of Folly Essay Example for Free

Erasmus, Praise of Folly Essay 1.) In Joe Sachs translation of, Aristotle’s on the soul and on Memory and Recollection, we are presented with the idea that our soul is broken up in to the contemplative and the practical forms of intellect. We use our contemplative and practical intellect to identify what is good for us, so that our desires reflect our needs. Although, they both work towards the same goal, both are separate and depend on ineffable forces for success. The contemplative intellect is fueled by our curiosity for knowledge. Aristotle was a major believer in contemplation because he believed that living a contemplative life is how humans should live. A contemplative life allows humans to lead a morally sound life. The more humans engage in contemplation, the closer they are to their gods and the happier they will be. The contemplative intellect is our capacity to determine the potentiality of the practical intellect. The practical intellect is our response to our contemplation. Contemplation can prolong political disasters and prevent us from using practicality. But, we have no choice but to contemplate because to understand we must contemplate and to act morally we must be able to understand. Being able to understand is being able to grasp the potentiality of something. Misunderstanding something’s potentiality is the reason leading a practical life is more difficult. It is human nature to contemplate. Distinguishing the two intellects is tricky because Aristotle stresses that we are one soul part of a larger one. However, if it is the same soul producing practical and contemplative intellect, how can life be divided into these two things? Our individuality controls our actions. So, our contemplative is what makes us what we are and our existence is the reason we act (practical). Practicality and contemplation are distinctions within our intellect. Contemplation is to be looked at as human nature, it helps us understand. Understanding gives way to the practical intellect. These two separate intellects not only involve different unknown forces, but they also utilize different types of motion. Practical is a physical motion, while contemplation is a motion in the sense that whenever we are thinking and contemplating, we/our minds are in motion. The soul seeks truth. Contemplation leads us towards the truth, while practicality is a truth. These intellects are virtues in different parts of the soul. To acquire happiness one must have moral virtue to choose correctly and practicality to choose ‘how.’ For example, one might attain the knowledge, facts, and actuality of how to ride a bike. But, knowing those facts does not determine your potential to ride the bike. Aristotle provides an affective example, â€Å"There is something that has knowledge in the way that we say any human being is a knower, because humanity is part of the class of what knows and has knowledge, but there is also a sense in which we mean by a knower the one who already has, say, grammatical skill; and each of these is in potency but not in the same way, but the former is because his kind and his material are of a certain sort, while the latter is because he is capable of contemplating when he wants to, if nothing outside him prevents it† (417a 23-30 Aristotle). Aristotle tells us the there are different types of potentiality and actuality here. This example demonstrates a ‘knower.’ A knower would be human, know grammar, and talking (exercising knowledge). This example is important in the distinction because it describes the process and the different roles of contemplation and practicality. The contemplative intellect, in this case, would be that the knower is human and has potential without actual knowledge. The knower, with grammatical knowledge, has this knowledge but is not thinking about it. The knower would be exercising knowledge through recognizing grammatical errors in conversation, readings, etc. In the two most previous instances the knower uses their practicality intellect because their actual knowledge of the grammar is their potentiality to think and perform actions. Contemplation allows us to do, think, and imagine anything we want within out minds/soul. â€Å"†¦The soul is a being-at-work-staying-itself in the way that knowledge is, for both sleep and waking are in what belongs to the soul, and waking is analogous to the act of contemplating but sleep to holding the capacity for contemplating while not putting it to work (practical).† (412b 26-30 Aristotle). Practicality can only utilize what is physical and in front of us. Aristotle The connection between these intellects demonstrates Aristotle’s belief that every body contains a soul and the soul is not separate matter. It is a capacity, it doesn’t have a capacity and is inseparable from the body. The soul has no identity. Aristotle believes we are all individual human beings, made up of different forms and matter. But, there is one soul that is in all of us, equally. No one persons soul is ‘better’ than another’s. This is important in the distinction because contemplation takes place in the soul and practicality is what we do with the connection between our soul and body. 2. ) In Erasmus’, Praise of Folly, the character Folly is used to express Erasmus’ philosophy. Folly states that the actions of different people are foolish and she is congratulating them, she calls wisdom foolish and the fools, wise. Throughout the book Folly, with sarcasm and satire, demonstrates the main forms of folly in order to show the importance of folly. Erasmus wanted to share three main forms of folly in his writing. The first form being, the fundamental form of folly, which is the force in our life that is indescribable. This form mainly refers to religion and faith, but also the folly in any belief of a higher/greater good. The second form is the human folly. In this form, Folly mocked those who deem or consider themselves wise or philosophers. She picked on mainly prominent people, anyone who thought they were better because they knew more about something. The third form is best described by egotistical, hypocritical, and greedy folly. This form depicts the folly of the self-centeredness of humans. Erasmus as Folly illustrates how the Christians appear foolish at first, yet actually possesses true wisdom. Folly quotes the Bible repeatedly to prove her point. She uses the passages to show how folly is good. Within these passages, Folly says that the bible, values fools more than the wise. For example, Adam and Everwere forbidden to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, but they disobeyed. Thus, knowledge destroyed their happiness. Folly describes the Christian fools as those who, â€Å"squander their possessions, ignore insults, submit to being cheated, make no distinction between friends and enemies, shun pleasure, sustain themselves on fasting, vigils, tears, toil, the humiliations, scorn life, and desire only death – in short, they seem to be dead to any normal feelings, as if their spirit dwelt elsewhere than in their body† (p. 128 Erasmus). Folly deems Christians slightly mad because of their view on life, and how they are so focused on the spiritual and eternal that they barely live. Erasmus contradicts Biblical truths when he is speaking as folly and expresses that life would be meaningless without folly. Our world, especially in the United States, relies on instant gratification, but the Bible clearly teaches that those kinds of things will pass away and are not important. Erasmus challenges Biblical truths when he praises ignorance, self-loveand flattery. This goes directly against the Bible, which speaks out against these kinds of things. He explains that the piousness of Christians is madness. In the second form, Folly takes the prominent professions of her time and shows their folly. She begins with merchants, who she describes as liars and thief’s yet they are still respectable citizens. Next she attacks a grammarian, â€Å"He supposes he’d be perfectly happy if he were allowed to live long enough to define precisely how the eight parts of speech should be distinguished, something in which no one writing in Greek or Latin has ever managed to be entirely successful. And then if anyone treats a conjunction as a word with the force of an adverb, it’s a thing to go to war about† (p. 80 Erasmus). Folly describes the schools as dirty and a waste of time. He believes the teachers teach useless information, but still feel important. He goes on to poets and rhetoricians and deems their professions purposeless. The narrator’s particular target is the church, â€Å"as they roll their rock of Sisyphus and string together six hundred laws in the same breath, no matter whether relevant or not†¦.However, their self-love keeps them happy, and three syllogisms arm them enough to go straight to battle on any subject and with any man† (p. 84 Erasmus). These foolish men explain the ‘mysteries’ of life and the Bible according to themselves. Even the monks exude folly. They take vows of poverty and claim to hate money, but still take part in other vices. This form of folly reminds us to not mask ourselves to make us look better. Just because a merchant is respectable profession, doesn’t make that specific merchant respectable. If a monk gives up his money, does that mean he has no other vices? â€Å"†¦why shouldn’t I rightly be recognized and named the ‘Alpha’ of all gods, when I dispense every benefit to all alike?† (p. 19 Erasmus). Folly allows life to continue because men must become silly fools to do it. Without her, she exclaims, couples would be married, and women would not repeat childbirth. Without the pleasure Folly gives to life, it would not be worth living. Folly accuses the stoics of attempting to keep all the pleasure for themselves while commanding others to avoid it. As an example, Folly uses childhood and old age. Everyone loves children because they are foolish and innocent. Age and life experiences only fade their beauty and charm. Thus, in old age Folly recognizes a second childhood, freeing us from the worries of life. With old age comes foolishness and senility, which allows them to be happy. These silly old people are much more fun to be around, then a wise old person. â€Å"’Folly is the one thing which can halt fleeting youth and ward off the relentless advance of old age’† (p. 25. Erasmus). Folly discovers that we use passion over reason, â€Å"he (Jupiter) confined reason to a cramped corner of the head and left all the rest of the body to the passions. Then he set up two raging tyrants in opposition to reason’s solitary power: anger, which holds sway in the breast and so controls the heart†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 30 Erasmus). Folly is logical, when our human nature puts passion over reason. Folly concludes her praise of folly with a comparison to Plato’s, Allegory of the Cave. A man who lived in a cave by firelight his whole life, one day saw sunlight. But, the two men that remained in the cave, who would seem foolish, are equally as happy with what they believe is real. 3.) Aristotle makes a better case for his outlook on human life. It is important for humans to feel important and feel like they belong and have a purpose. Aristotle’s idea of the one soul, not only offers a sense of unity to the human race but also deepens the mystery of our existence. It is in contemplation that we find happiness, whether we contemplate our future, our past, or the present. Human happiness is rooted in human interaction and contemplation allows us to create commonality and it develops culture. Although the truth of folly is important in understanding human incentives, it is in our intellect that we can find harmony. Folly in itself is a folly. It pokes fun at the ignorance of human lives. Being foolish is innate in our nature. When do people have the best times? When they laugh and feel enjoyment from company. Our folly makes us human, it is necessary for our happiness. Erasmus presents folly as a much more bleak and pessimistic attribute. When Aristotle describes the soul it is much more pleasing. He stresses that sources/forces like God, are ineffable. These higher powers cannot be identified or described, but to believe in it reassures us that we are meant to be here. Without this mysterious force, who are we? Why are we here? It is our nature to feel wanted and have a purpose. We attempt to find this purpose through contemplation. This is a major aspect of human life. It forces us to look deeper and attempt to act morally. Humans are at their highest potential when they contemplate. Contemplation is a completely isolated process and helps us understand and perceive the world. This ability drives us and helps us advance. In personal experience, I find it is important to really think, ponder, and contemplate the things that make me happy. I can then decide if that is a practical thing to do or if I need to change what makes me happy. For example, drugs may make someone happy in their contemplation, but is that really what they want? Erasmus and Aristotle have contrasting outlooks on life. Erasmus is very realistic, sarcastic, and satirical. While Aristotle reaffirms that it is all right to contemplate the unknown. Aristotle brings us to higher level of thinking and helps us strive for a happier and morally active life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Death of Innocence in The Catcher in the Rye Essay -- Catcher Rye

  Ã‚   Holden identifies with, yearns for, and despises traits of the adult and child realms. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, fears becoming an adult who exhibits the characteristics that he holds complaints against. Throughout this Bildungsroman narrative, Holden searches for his identity. He tries to figure out his place either in the adult or child realm. Holden possesses a combination of fear and hatred for "phonies". Holden uses this term to describe a wide range of people including shallow, superficial, fake, untruthful, or hypocritical individuals. "One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies... They were coming in the goddam window." By saying, "They were coming in the goddam window," Holden implies his fear. "Phonies" scare him because they surround him; there is a hint of Anthropophobia and Claustrophobia. "Anthropophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by an abnormal, irrational, and intense fear or dread of human companionship. Anthropophobia comes from the Greek word `anthropo' meaning `human' and the Greek word `phobos' meaning `fear' ". "Claus ·tro ·pho ·bi ·a, an abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces [Latin claustrum, enclosed place; see cloister + -phobia.]. Holden's case of claustrophobia deals more with "phonies" encircling him and cuttin g off an escape. Holden's fear stems from the idea that their influences may turn him into a "phony". Holden hates "phonies" because of the insincerity in their actions and speech [(about Ossenburger)"... That killed me."]. He finds their fakeness annoying and criticizes the ladder from a very cynical point of view. Holden lists people whom... makes when maturing into an adult. Holden wants to protect children from falling into adulthood and catch them before its too late. Many adolescents share the same complaints with the adult world as Holden. But those complaints remain in the untainted field of the rye as each individual must let go of them and plummet to their corruption, leaving all innocence behind. Sources Consulted Bloom, Harold. Major Literary Characters: Holden Caulfield. New York: Chelsea House, 1990. Pinsker, Sanford. The Catcher In The Rye: Innocence Under Pressure. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1993. Salinger, J.D. The Catcher In The Rye. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1951. Wildermuth, April. "Nonconformism in the Works of J.D. Salinger." 1997 Brighton High School. 24 November 2002.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Principles of diversity Essay

Assignment overview In this assignment you will consider best practice in promoting diversity, equality and inclusion which does not discriminate against others. You will look at relevant legislation, codes of practice and regulations governing adult social care and consider the consequences for a variety of people if these are not followed. You are asked to consider your own attitudes and beliefs and how these may impact on how you treat people and to reflect on your own practice. Tasks There are three tasks to this assignment. A Short answer questions B Leaflet C Reflective account This is a summary of the evidence required for the unit. Task Evidence Learning outcomes covered A Short answer questions 1.1, 1.2, 3.1 B Leaflet 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3 C Reflective account 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Task A Short answer questions Ai Explain in your own words what each term means. Give one example from care practice to illustrate your explanations. SHC 33 1.1) Diversity Diversity means variety, an example of this is society, where people very in a multitude of ways, including sex, age, sexual orientation, physical characteristics such as height, weight and skin colour, personal experiences and attributes, such as beliefs, values and preferences. Care settings  reflect the diversity of the population, an example of which is diet, some people have specific dietary needs, some may need food that is pureed due to swallowing difficulties, others may follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, people from different cultural and religious backgrounds have specific dietary needs. Equality Equality is treating people fairly regardless of their differences, ensuring that they have access to the same life opportunities. An example of this in the care setting is Ability, a lack of understanding about the needs of people with physical or mental disabilities results in them finding it difficult to make the most of life’s opportunities, an example of this in the care setting is persons not taking part in activities as they may not be suitable to their needs, this can lead to them being socially excluded, we need to ensure that there are a range of activities to suit all needs. Inclusion Inclusion is accepting everyone, regardless of difference, it is about getting rid of intolerance of difference and providing help and support where appropriate. The act of inclusion brings about a feeling of wellbeing and builds on a person’s confidence, ensuring that everyone can meet their full potential. Within a care home setting each individual has differing needs that have to be continually monitored and assessed to ensure that they are getting the most out of life for example a person’s mobility needs changing should not exclude them, they need to be given the correct level of support to take part and feel included in the day to day living that they enjoyed previously. Discrimination Discrimination is a form of prejudice, it is an attitude or way of thinking based on unfounded, unreasonable pre judgement of a person or situation, not one based on factual assessment, and it can cause a barrier that makes it difficult for a person to make progress or to achieve goals. An example of this in the care setting is not giving choice to a resident with things such as what they wish to eat if there’s only one choice for those that are in need of a pureed diet but three different meals available to other resident’s. Aii For each of the following people/groups of people, describe two different possible effects of discrimination. (SHC 33 1.1) An Individual The effects of discrimination on an individual; 1) Short term effects on an individual can include intimidation, humiliation, resentment and anger. 2) Long term effects can bring about feelings of inferiority, loss of self-worth and confidence a distrust and fear of others, leading to social exclusion. Their Families The effects on a person’s family; 1) The injustice of discrimination not only has an effect on the individual but also their family, by denying people opportunities such as education they cannot find employment or live in decent housing, this in turn leads to victims and their family’s being in deprivation, without a good standard of living. 2) Discrimination can cause the breakup of a family, this is due to the stress that is caused. Wider society The effects of discrimination on wider society; 1) Discrimination in the long term results in deprivation for whole groups in society, such as the elderly. 2) Discrimination has brought about a postcode lottery with unequal availability of services in different parts of the country. Those who discriminate The effects on those who discriminate; 1) They would be in breach of the equality act 2010 and as such in contravention of the law this can lead to both fines and imprisonment. 2) Those who discriminate show a lack of concern for others, their beliefs, culture and preferences showing a lack of concern, this in turn brings into doubt the person’s ability to care, Health and social care workers have a responsibility to provide a high level of care, anything else would be neglect. Aiii Identify three ways of challenging discrimination, and describe how each will promote change. 1)  Work place discrimination can be challenged by analysing why the person behaves in a discriminatory manor, an example may be they were brought up in an environment where labelling, stereotyping and negative prejudice were normal behaviour and so not questioned. This needs to be explored privately, for example during an appraisal where behaviour can be questioned and required changes can be agreed and recorded with their success being measured. 2) Informal discussions provide opportunity to reflect on the dire effects of discrimination, talking through these issues and imagining how it must feel to experience unfair, unjust treatment, can have powerful effects on thinking and behaviour, hence bringing about change in mind set. 3) Education is a way of challenging discrimination, ensuring that persons abide by work place policies and procedures and codes of practice including those that relate to anti-discrimination policies. Good communication skills enable discrimination to be challenged in an assertive yet encouraging way to bring about behaviour change. Task B Leaflet Bi Your work setting is running an induction course for new social care workers in an adult social care setting. Create a leaflet, which can be used to support this course. The leaflet must include the following: a) A description of the legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. b) An explanation of the possible consequences for individuals, social care workers and others if the legislation and codes of practice are not followed. c) A description of how inclusive practice can promote equality and support diversity. d) An explanation of how to support others to promote diversity, equality and inclusion. Leaflet enclosed. Bii Give two examples of how you could raise awareness of diversity, equality and inclusion. (SHC 33 1.1) 1) Training and discussion; Training and discussion in one to one meetings or groups of staff, raise awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion. The more they will engage in discussion and obtain training about this issue the more they will learn and be aware of it and also put it in to their everyday practice. 2) Through providing leaflet, information and policies and procedures; Providing leaflets and sufficient information regarding diversity and equality will raise awareness to a social care worker by having knowledge about it. It also helps them to know about the consequences if agreed ways of working are not followed. Task C Reflective account (SHC 33 2.2) Ci Write a reflective account describing: †¢ How your personal preferences, attitudes, heritage and beliefs might impact on working practice. †¢ How to ensure that your own practice is inclusive and respects the beliefs, culture, values and preferences of individuals. Suggested word count: 500 – 700 words (Enclosed as separate document) Cii Write a brief account that describes examples of inclusive practice. Inclusive practice, is about attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to ensure that people are not excluded or isolated. An examples of this would be; show respect, regardless of a person’s age, sex, sexual orientation race and ability, with regard to their believes, culture , values and preferences. It is good to model care on Principles of care that promote inclusive work practice, letting personal preferences shape the way you work, supporting individuals in retaining their cultural dignity, such as how they choose to dress and maintain their personal hygiene. Respect the need to maintain confidentiality of personal and sensitive information, ensure that persons are not disadvantaged but can access equal opportunities for example by making sure they receive help and support that is appropriate for their needs. (SHC 33 3.1, 3.2) Ciii Write a brief account that describes practice, which excludes the individual and is discriminatory. Taking away a person’s personal preferences can excluded the individual and the care worker would not be demonstrating ‘inclusive practice’, examples of this would be denying someone the opportunity to worship in the way their religion dictates this would be excluding them, a person not being given the chance to choose what to wear takes away from their right to equality and may impact on their cultural dignity. Not allowing for a person’s dietary requirements an example of this might be a vegetarian not being able to have the same amount of choices as a person who eats meat. A person who needs to use a wheelchair could be excluded from taking part in an activity due to problems with access this would cause them to be disadvantaged and discriminated against. By not using the person cantered approach within health and social care you would not be following best practice leading to people being denied their freedom and this is a form of neglect and may be see n as abuse.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Defence Mechanisms in Guajiro Personality and Culture Essay

Defence is all efforts of the ego to render inoperative and instinctual wish or impulse. The instinctual object choice produces neurotic anxiety because it clashes with the superego, which arises from the internalisation of the parent’s moral values. Defences protect the individual from experiencing anxiety either by detaching the forbidden wish from conscious awareness or by distorting or falsifying its true meaning. Several methods were used in collecting data for this study. Structured methods of observation and interviewing were used to gather information relevant to behavioural systems having transtructural significance, such as sex, aggression, and responsibility. Rorschach and TAT tests were administered to supplement these data and to aid in uncovering elements and relationships in the personality that were not readily observable, especially in the areas of affective behaviour, cognitive organization and defensive functioning. This study called â€Å"Defence Mechanisms in Guajiro Personality and Culture† by Lawrence C. Watson conducted with Guajiro Indian subjects came up with exceptional results. Some general characteristics of defence mechanisms in the Guajiro society were found: * All of the basic defence mechanisms are present but some are more important than others. * All defence mechanisms assume a well-defined culturally defined form. * Defence mechanisms cluster around a few systems of behaviour that are most conflict-ridden culture. * Variations in the deployment of psychic defences are, to a degree, a function of a person’s age, sex, occupation and class position. * There is a basic continuity in defence functioning from one stage to another in the life cycle of the individual. This study shows that defence mechanisms formulated by Freud have widespread, if not universal occurrence in human personality processes, irrespective of variations in cultural context. It also shows that in every unique social setting, cultural factors determine the form in which defensive behaviour comes to be expressed. This study also gave the result which says that defence functioning must be studied in relationship to other prevailing modal personality factors (e.g., superego strength, level of emotional control, etc.), since it is quite  likely that certain defensive properties will be found only if they are compatible with these other elements.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Group Case Study

Group Case Study Group Case Study Abstract Our group’s name is â€Å"Graceful Youth Group†. We started the group last year with other two members because of having a common goal to achieve. We acquired other members from the community after them agreeing to work upon the goal and the objectives of the group. Having leadership qualities was one of the regulation upon which we acquired new members. The members of the group also agreed to work with a cordial relationship to avoid unnecessary conflicts that may arise. After the formation of the group, which consisted of fifteen individualities, we conducted a walk across the community to ensure that every member of the group had a prior knowledge of the community as a whole. Introduction In our community, there has been a vast exhibition of soil erosion, with its impact on the people of the community far reaching. Therefore, as the members residing in the community, this triggered us to form a group, which could see us addressing the problem of soil erosion. In the process of establishing our goals, we realized that there were other problems hindering development in our community. We decided that the group was to be there for any problem that may hinder development in our community. Type of group Neither was the group established on the grounds of gender discrimination, nor was it based on age discrimination. Guarantee for membership was there for any focused member of the society: be it a girl or a boy, old or young. Being that our group’s objectives were a beat many, we had to consider having twenty members in our group (Hardina, D., 2006). Our goals Our group formation was mainly steered by the motives of a better community. Therefore, our main goal in forming the group was to see that there was a greater deal of development in the community. The members, having their community in mind, agreed unanimously that developing the community was there goal. Role of individual members Every member has a role to play in ensuring that there is achievement of group’s goals. Each member is like a brother’s keeper. They give counseling to members who seem to be going astray as per the group’s objectives. They also ensure that every member is present at any group’s meeting even though we still experience some cases of individuals coming late for the meetings. Leadership style The group members designed the leadership style of in such a way that every member feels that he is a leader. Leadership position goes in cycle around a group of four, considering gender and age. The group leads for one month then another group of four takes their shift for another month. We found this suitable because every member has his own leadership quality, therefore leadership going in cycle helps in having diversity of opinions. Integrating the different leadership qualities lead to a positive outcome. This also helps do away with the problem of discrimination based on gender or age. Management of conflicts Conflict is inevitable among human so we sited some possible solution for management of conflict whenever they arise. Members are ready to treat every conflict that arises in the group in a special way. Conflict mainly arises when group members differ in their opinions. Therefore, as a group we have resolved that when there is a meeting everybody should have their chances in raising their opinions. Members then find a way of integrating the points so that every member feels part of the opinion. With members having the brotherly feeling towards one another, it is not easy to find members fighting among themselves (Rahim Afzalur, 2011). Conclusion Focus of the members on achieving their goals, is a clear indication that the group will never show any kind of resentment. They exhibit the spirit of togetherness in their work, which eventually will see them through in achieving their goals. The result will be more different if the members of the group do not address factors, like lateness. For the group to continue being successful, I propose that they include development of other nearing communities in their goal. This will help them to be more focused and in achieving their goals in wider area.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report Essays

Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report Essays Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report Paper Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report Paper The second one was hat there is no difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. After doing the test and performing the necessary calculations on the chi-squared test, I found out that a greater amount of people who brushed were able to correctly identify the cola products. INTRODUCTION: If you were given a blind taste test and asked to distinguish between two products, how confident do you think you are in telling the products apart? In my Biology 141 class, we did the Pepsi/Coke Challenge and that challenge was simply about vying individuals a blind taste test, and asking them to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. There are many reasons why reasons people perform blind test. These test can be sent, smell, feel or taste. In marketing, a blind taste test is used as a tool for companies to see how they can improve their product. It is also used as a tool for companies to develop their brand. For example, many restaurants select random people to taste their food, so that they would know which dish needs more improvement. The results of these tests are not always the same. This is because there are some people who may use those products very frequently, so they are more likely to tell the difference between the two products. On the other hand there are those people rarely use the product, so they will have a harder time distinguishing between the product and they are more likely to get it wrong. Then there are those people who are stuck between the two extremes who uses the product often enough, but they are unsure. However, I know that brushing your teeth and drinking or eating right after causes whatever you are eating or drinking to taste funny. Knowing this, the question I ask is, Is there a difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, affect their ability to distinguish between the Cola products Pepsi and Coke? HI : There is a difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. H2O: There is no difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. If there is a difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your and Coke, then there will be a difference in the percent that each group correctly identifies the colas in a blind test. METHODS: In order to get accurate results in our Pepsi/Coke Challenge blind test, the Biology 141 class disguised each can by wrapping aluminum foil over the entire can. We then decided to only ask fifteen students who attend the University of the Virgin Island on SST. Thomas campus to participate in our challenge. Before leaving the lab, the class was split into two groups, Comparison or Single Cola (which was Pepsi). The Comparison group gathered thirty cups, so that the participants wouldnt reuse the same cup and alter the taste by mixing the two products, fifteen questionnaire forms, an ice bag, ice three Coke cans and three Pepsi cans. The Single Cola group gathered fifteen cups, fifteen questionnaire forms, an ice bag, ice, and three Pepsi cans. We placed the cans that werent being used as yet into the ice bag until the one can being used was empty. Before giving the students the products to taste, we had them fill out the questionnaire that had questions such as, Did you take this test today? Have you eaten anything recently? Have you brushed your teeth within the last thirsty minutes? Which cola product do you like best out of Pepsi and Coke? How confident are you in distinguishing between the two cola products? If any student reported that they had taken the report earlier that day, we eliminated them and selected someone else who hadnt to fill their position. After asking the fifteen students, we then went back to the lab to record our finding on a spreadsheet. RESULTS: For our Pepsi/Coke Challenge, there were two hundred and thirty six people who did the test. Of he two hundred and thirty six people, fifty six people who brushed and seventy people who didnt brush identified the Cola products correctly. Everyone in the people who brushed section correctly identified the product, but one hundred and ten people in the didnt brush section got the test wrong. This represents 100% of the people who did brush and 38% of the people who didnt brush. After performing a Chi Square test, we saw that there was a greater percentage of people who couldve identified the product were the ones who brushed (SD 64. 1, chi-square = 3. 841, 1 degree of freedom). Figurer: A greater percent of people who brushed correctly identified the products. DISCUSSION: A greater amount of people who brushed were able to correctly identify the cola products. From the values given from the chi- squared test, this implicates that there is a difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. Knowing this, I know that my second hypothesis, There is no difference , is incorrect and can be eliminated. The differences found in this test may be that the people who brushed may eave a cleaner mouth so they were more capable to tell which product was Pepsi and which one was coke. Most participants were able to tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi because they probably drink these cola products frequently. There were other people who knew the difference because they only drank Coke since they did not like the taste of Pepsi and vice-versa. Other people were able to tell the difference just by smelling it because they said that Pepsi had a sweeter scent. Since we only tested VI students, the results may vary if we were to do this challenge on another set of individuals.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Diploma is not a Degree

A Diploma is not a Degree A Diploma is not a Degree A Diploma is not a Degree By Maeve Maddox The word degree has many meanings, but in academic terms, it refers to a certification awarded at the university level. The B.A. degree (Bachelor of Arts), for example, is awarded upon completion of a four-year program of study requiring a specified minimum of credits. An M.A. degree (Master of Arts) requires two or more years of study beyond the B.A. and carries with it the passing of certain examinations and, usually, the completion of a thesis or other research project. The Ph.D. degree (Doctor of Philosophy) requires several more years of study, examinations, and research projects beyond the M.A. In addition to the degrees awarded by four-year institutions of higher learning, community colleges offer the Associate Degree upon completion of two years of study beyond high school. A diploma, on the other hand, is a document testifying to the completion of a course of study. Any graduate, whether of a university, a high school, or a six-week course in Spanish, will receive a diploma. High schools issue diplomas and certificates of attendance, but they do not award degrees. To describe a person as having a high school degree is an error of fact as well as one of diction. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:75 Contronyms (Words with Contradictory Meanings)Top 11 Writing Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)50 Plain-Language Substitutions for Wordy Phrases

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Psycology of Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Psycology of Diversity - Essay Example Usually their primary language is Spanish. Their daily life reflects Spanish heritage. The group ‘Hispanic’ was included in US census in the year 1970. A report in 2005 shows that hispanics form 14% and african american forms 13% in total US population. (USA Today, 2008) Ethnicity is very important to determine the psychological expressions of any individual or population. Ethnicity of a population can be discussed under many headings. But to understand the psychology of any race most important approaches the following traits are to be observed: (a) distinct similar behavior or attitude of individuals belonging to any particular race, (b) their feeling for their ethnicity or their feeling for their ethnic identity and (c) their adaptations through life experiences regarding their lesser power, social status, social discrimination etc. But one should keep it in mind that these approaches can be studied independently but to understand the population psychology all these approaches must be considered together. An African influence is vividly seen among the African-American families. Some of the very basic aspects of their culture can be traced back to that of the African people. Among them the worth mentioning ones are oral expression, perception of time, vitality of emotion and dependence on the inner members of a family. According to social anthropologist Jones, the African-American families show five elements in their lifestyle, and they are: improvisation, oral expression, spirituality, time and rhythm. These five elements are strong enough to define the whole black culture throughout the world, be it in the United States of America or in the dark continent of Africa itself. However, this kind of lifestyle has some factors in common with the Hispanic lifestyle as conformity, urge of sacrifice and interdependence are also the parts of the latter mentioned race. They have been noticed to stand by each other in times of personal

How are women portrayed in the films of the 1960s and 1970s Essay

How are women portrayed in the films of the 1960s and 1970s - Essay Example The feminist beliefs differed from groups to groups and from one woman to another. By 1970s, the Second Wave Feminist Movements had inspired several men and women in the United States (Klinger, 2008). There was a change on the women perception in politics, media, private household and academia. Films produced in the 1960s and 1970s provide the best lenses upon which to perceive the depiction of the public on the role and status of women during the time. Dr. Strangelove, a film produced in 1964 is one such perfect film depicting the position of the woman in 1960s (Rosenstone, 2009). in the opening scene of the comedy, a member of staff of the United States Royal Air force is seemingly dressed to relax and flying above the Soviet Union. The member of US RAF whips out the latest playboy magazine and peruses through its pages. Whereas the actions in the short scene may not seem as a big deal, the scene optimizes the objectification of women that runs throughout the rest of the film. Stan ley Kubrick use satire in the movie to portray the lighter side of sad time on gender in the United States. Dr. Strangelove was produced during the period of Wave Feminism. While women of this period were allowed to vote, they lacked all the rights men held at the moment. Throughout this movie, women are either used merely for the benefit of men or are totally absent from the scenes. An excellent example of absence of women from matters important to the running of the nation is at the Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting. There is not a single woman in the board rooms of the meetings that take a majority of the film. The quality of the film and the role of different genders in the movie portray the different perceptions of the people living at the time. Unlike present times where women take proactive part in cinemas, the 1964 production points to a time in history when women had not gained rights and respect (Rosenstone, 2009). They were not instrumental in the running of the state and mak ing important decisions of governance. Their role was supplementary to the duties of men. If a woman was to participate in any nation building activity, it would be under the shadow of her husband. Coming to the public limelight as an agent of change and constructive development of the nation was unheard of as depicted extensively in the film. While the services of women of the time were not directly outlined in the film, the role of women in satisfaction of basic needs of men was profound. Women were portrayed as objects of sexual satisfaction. The United States RAF pilot introduces this apparent place of women in the society of 1960s as he gets satisfaction from the Playboy Magazine by mere gaze at naked pictures of women. The first time the audience gets to meet a feminine character is with the entourage of Miss Scott. She echoes the director’s depiction of women as objects of sexual entertainment for men. Her sprawled out tuning under colored bright light in revealing bik ini leaving little to the imagination of the mind brings the point home that, indeed, women of the 1960s held no other position to men than massage their sexual ego (Klinger, 2008). The Graduate is the other film that tells gender and the way 1960s and early 1970s defined a change of the perception of both men and women on gender. The film narrates a story of two characters almost coming into terms with the dynamic meaning of gender at

Friday, October 18, 2019

Fast Food Restaurant and Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fast Food Restaurant and Obesity - Essay Example 1. The fast food industry spends billion dollars in advertising their products. These adverts manipulate teenagers who increase their spending on food. As a result, they end up consuming junks of food, which may lead to obese conditions. 2. Legal practitioners have realized that the food restaurants are increasingly changing their marketing strategies and introducing healthier products because of guilt (Willensky 309). III. Second Main Point A. 1. Teenagers should be blamed for obesity. It is their responsibility to identify the type of food to eat and of what quantity. 2. Parents should be responsible for their children’s health status. They advice their children to take much of home-made food than fast foods. B. 1. Advertisements encourage teenagers to eat junk food 2. Parents have no time to care for their children, and prepare all meals at home. III. Third Main Point C. Fast food restaurants are to be blamed if their food causes problem due to low standards. D. Teenagers are to be blamed if they fail to control their diet. Their parents should also be held responsible for failing to advice their children on the type of food to eat. 1. Fast food restaurant is both responsible and irresponsible for obesity. 2. Children are responsible for watching over their diets, but adverts allure them to eat junk food. 3. Food industry is held responsible for failing to meet the set standards. B. Food industry should not be blamed for obesity and its related health conditions since it is the responsibility of all American to watch over their diets.

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assignment - Essay Example Today they give much emphasis on infrastructural changes which can reduce the impacts of those unforeseen contingencies. Many of the ultra modern inventions add to the ongoing environmental issues this way or that. This paper will critically analyse the problems associated with developmental activities and possible remedies that civil engineers can adopt in order for meeting those challenges. Challenges for civil engineers The supersonic growth of modern world necessitates various types of productive activities which would ultimately cause environmental issues. It is not possible to stop constructional activities in order to safeguard the environment. Hence, the civil engineers face extreme challenges with regard to developing protective infrastructure models. In contrast, the rampant growth of construction industry weakens the effectiveness of infrastructural developments. The following parts would introduce some of the recent environmental issues and possible solutions to address t hem. A. Global warming Global warming refers to the phenomenon of increase in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere, which will result in the increase in volume of water and a consequent rise in the sea-level. The earth absorbs most of the thermal radiations like infrared radiation from the sun and reflects back the remaining part to the atmosphere. These reflected heats are trapped by the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and ozone; and this process causes the rise in atmospheric temperature. This green house effect due to the existence of green houses gases is the main cause of global warming. Majority scientists are of the opinion that human activities amplify the emission of greenhouse gases and hence global warming. For instance, when refrigerator functions, it releases a harmful compound called chlorofluorocarbon which causes the depletion of ozone layer and contributes to global warming. Similarly, most of the production and constructio n processes emit toxic gases that also deepen the problem. Although there are number of green house gases in the atmosphere, among them carbon dioxide, which is mainly produced as a result of increase in fossil fuel burning vehicles plays major role. The warmer air boosts the water evaporation which produces excessive water vapour in the atmosphere and subsequently the same cycle process repeats. The climate change is the most disastrous outcome of global warming and related environmental difficulties including diminution in agricultural yields. It is too practicable to cut the use of refrigerator or vehicles in order to minimise the CO2 emission; the only way is to develop improved technology which would impede the problem in future. The invention of non fossil fuels such as solar energy and nuclear energy may help to answer the issue of global warming because they normally do not cause carbon emission. Civil engineers can do a lot in addressing the impacts of global warming which in turn will minimise the climate changes. As suggested in Minority report on global warming and the role of civil engineering, engineers should try to develop infrastructural frame works with the minimum usage of ‘concrete foundations, kiln-fired brick and concrete walling blocks, steel or concrete frames, ground-bearing floor slabs, glass, aluminium and steel profile sheeting’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Shining Thread of Hope - The History of Black Women in America Essay

A Shining Thread of Hope - The History of Black Women in America - Essay Example It is through this strength and the resulting bonds of family, community and faith, the authors argue, that both yesterday’s and today’s African American woman is beginning to be recognized for her significant contributions to the progress and development of the United States and the importance she continues to play in providing examples to live, work and raise a family in trying times with dignity, grace, love and success. The prologue of the book immediately captures the reader’s attention with a detailed description of a young African woman’s life in the earliest days of the colonies. This pattern is continued with further detail into this and other stories of African women in the early colonies as the book moves into its first chapter. The sense of immediacy is developed as the authors fictionalize to a degree in describing Lucy Terry Prince and other early African women brought to America. â€Å"A young woman stood on the shores of the New World. †¦ We do not know this woman’s name, but we will call her Oni. She will be, for us, not a number – one of twenty slaves who were the first to be brought to North America – but the real woman she was† (8). Although they arrived on these shores as slaves, the authors demonstrate how these early slaves gained freedom, happiness, land ownership, scholarship and, at times, a degree of equality with their white nei ghbors. Yet there remain significant gaps to these stories as the children disappear or the family property is swallowed up by white invaders. â€Å"It is important to remember that other African Americans, women as well as men, were simultaneously creating a separate culture. Its development was not usually recorded, and few names have come down to us† (26). As they describe these stories, the authors also work to distance themselves from the stories, often switching back to the narrative scholastic voice of the present rather

Gun Control in the US Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gun Control in the US - Research Paper Example Between the years 1997 and 2001, there were more than 30 such incidents that took place in schools, offices, and various other places, all over US, which resulted in the deaths of 139 people and another 188 being wounded. However, it was after the Columbine High School incident, public outrage reached its peak and there was a mass outcry to bring in stringent laws for gun control. After the initial outpour of rage and massive protests against the National Rifle Association (the champion of liberal gun usage in US), things have drifted back to their original conditions. In June 2010 we find a disturbing piece of news that tells us â€Å"The US Supreme Court found Monday a Chicago handgun ban to be unconstitutional in a far-reaching ruling that makes it much harder for states and city governments to limit gun ownership† (Ogle, US Supreme Court limits gun control by states). So again its status quo and we are back to where we had started, with the court giving a free hand to all potential killers. This article will take an in-depth look at this issue of gun control and the related controversies in US. It will explore as to why US have more gun violence than other countries, and will suggest measures to reduce this peril. From various studies and reports it has been seen that almost 40% of US homes have some sort of guns or fire ammunitions in their possession. Krug, Powell and Dahlberg in their research papers have come to the conclusion that the homicide rates in the American countries is almost 2-10 times higher than any other country in the developed world (Krug, Powell and Dahlberg, 214-221). There is no doubt that violence in some form or the other is present in almost all countries worldwide, but what increases the death rate in US is the rampant presence of guns. This relation between easy availability of guns in US and the high mortality rate has been proven in their research work by the famous

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Shining Thread of Hope - The History of Black Women in America Essay

A Shining Thread of Hope - The History of Black Women in America - Essay Example It is through this strength and the resulting bonds of family, community and faith, the authors argue, that both yesterday’s and today’s African American woman is beginning to be recognized for her significant contributions to the progress and development of the United States and the importance she continues to play in providing examples to live, work and raise a family in trying times with dignity, grace, love and success. The prologue of the book immediately captures the reader’s attention with a detailed description of a young African woman’s life in the earliest days of the colonies. This pattern is continued with further detail into this and other stories of African women in the early colonies as the book moves into its first chapter. The sense of immediacy is developed as the authors fictionalize to a degree in describing Lucy Terry Prince and other early African women brought to America. â€Å"A young woman stood on the shores of the New World. †¦ We do not know this woman’s name, but we will call her Oni. She will be, for us, not a number – one of twenty slaves who were the first to be brought to North America – but the real woman she was† (8). Although they arrived on these shores as slaves, the authors demonstrate how these early slaves gained freedom, happiness, land ownership, scholarship and, at times, a degree of equality with their white nei ghbors. Yet there remain significant gaps to these stories as the children disappear or the family property is swallowed up by white invaders. â€Å"It is important to remember that other African Americans, women as well as men, were simultaneously creating a separate culture. Its development was not usually recorded, and few names have come down to us† (26). As they describe these stories, the authors also work to distance themselves from the stories, often switching back to the narrative scholastic voice of the present rather

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Managing Diversity in the work place Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Managing Diversity in the work place - Article Example there are no observable issues relating to diversity owing to the harsh disciplinary actions taken against any employee who discriminates or harasses a colleague on the basis of their diversity. Conversely, my organization instills a culture of acceptance and positivity through creation of teams exemplified by involvement of both older and younger generations in order to introduce a diversity of expertise (Wesotzkey, 2011). For instance, the younger generation is considered more computer savvy while the older generation is cited by Collins-McNeil, Sharpe and Benbow (2012) as having a wealth of experience that can benefit a team. Harton et al (2012) notes that a culture of fairness and impartiality in scheduling individual duties is imperative in managing a diverse workforce. In my organization, individual employees are given the autonomy to make their own schedules aligned to their needs. In terms of commonalities, all employees in my organization have a common vision. Our core vision is to become a leader in healthcare delivery through a patient-centered approach to care. In this regard, each employee regardless of gender, race, religion, experience, morals and principles bring their divergent opinions towards the achievement of this common vision. The second commonality in my organization relates to partnership. All employees comprehend the fact that delivery of quality and safe health care is highly dependent on collaboration. An interdisciplinary collaboration approach to care delivery evident in my organization is proof that working in partnership with other disciplines is a collective agenda. To increase appreciation of both differences and similarities, I would introduce weekly or monthly meetings whereby all employees discuss their beliefs, traditions, principles and moral standings. In doing so, employees would understand how their colleagues view specific issues or subject matters and consequently understand how to approach or handle them in an effort

Monday, October 14, 2019

International relations Essay Example for Free

International relations Essay International relations deals with mutual understanding between countries; they can therefore be in a position to trade with each other and also to assist each other when one country is facing certain challenges. International relations therefore lays more emphasis on multi cultural and global understanding of a world that is interconnected and complex, by focusing closely on economic, political, cultural and legal forces. International relations are hence very important to the business community internationally, non governmental and private international organizations and governments (Lawson, 2003). Rationality of negotiators Strategies for effective negotiations have always caused major concerns to all the major stakeholders especially to the practitioners and the scholars in the field of international relations. Negotiators can be passive or assertive, collaborative or argumentative, or can adopt other strategies in order to achieve their preferred outcome for their governments or other organizations they are presenting in certain negotiations. When negotiating it is very important to view the issue under negotiation in an adversary point of view, another technique that is preferable while negotiating is focusing on the problem at hand instead of being personal, the negotiator should seek collaborative solutions and should as much as possible base all the discussions on the goal criteria (Lawson, 2003). Negotiators at times fall short of rationality when negotiating, in many instances this is caused by lack of sound negotiating techniques among the negotiators. Such individuals with inadequate information concerning effective styles of negotiation are in most cases irrational and they are to a very great extent guided by their personal experiences assumptions and perceptions as to what may work. These might make the negotiators focus less on the problem, compromise sound solutions and also be personal when negotiating. When such takes place, questions of rationality arise, whether the negotiating individuals are self interested and whether the negotiating parties use the techniques that they perceive to be the best in negotiating (Lawson, 2003). At other times negotiators fail to be rational when negotiating when they feel that by accepting the proposals of the other party it means that they have lost and thus they are likely to use all means possible in blocking certain proposals regardless of whether they are beneficial to the negotiating parties or not. Therefore for negotiations to be successful, it is very important for the negotiating teams to adopt a win win strategy instead of believing that the other party must loose for me to win which eventually becomes detrimental to both parties. For rationality to prevail when negotiations are taking place it is very important to approach the subject on the basis of how the negotiating teams can both benefit from the discussions, they should always be ready to give and take so that consensus can be reached and rational decisions made (Lawson, 2003). Irrationality can arise when the negotiating parties are of unequal power, the stronger party may fail to be rational and decide to use its excess power in oppressing the other party. In such a case the stronger party usually has its pre agreed proposals which it imposes on the weaker party. Such power might be in form of stronger military, economic power, technical power and other forms of power that are likely to make it more dominant than the other party (Lawson, 2003). Conclusion Negotiators should be very rational when holding their negotiations; this will make them be able to adopt the best strategies such as dealing with dilemmas that may arise in the cause of the discussions. They will therefore, be able to effectively use such strategies as the prisoner’s dilemma in a manner that they will both benefit from the negotiations. Thus the negotiators can be in a position of answering the toughest question in the dilemma: is it possible for people to cooperate naturally, or do genes of individuals demand a selfish response to all situations in life (Parselle, 2007).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Health Impacts of the Modern American Diet

Health Impacts of the Modern American Diet In contrast to the epidemics of infectious diseases in the 18th and 19th centuries, the conventional dietary guidelines Americans have been receiving in the past many years has resulted in an epidemic of another genre, that is Obesity. The magnitude of obesity epidemic surpasses the historical epidemics in terms of causing disease and deaths, and an economic burden on individuals and nations at large. About 25% of American populations use Statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) and more and more consume diet low in fat, but inspite of these steps more American are expected to die of heart disease than ever before. American heart Association statistics estimate that presently 75 million Americans have heart disease; about 20 million suffer from diabetes while another 57 million are prediabetics, at risk of developing diabetes disease later. All these diseases are affecting younger population more, contrary to the myth that chronic diseases only affect old people. In contrast to the epidemics of infectious diseases in the 18th and 19th centuries ,the conventional dietary guidelines Americans have been receiving in the past many years has resulted in an epidemic of another genre ,that is Obesity. The magnitude of obesity epidemic surpasses the historical epidemics in terms of causing disease and deaths, and an economic burden on individuals and nations at large. About 25% of American populations use Statins(cholesterol lowering drugs) and more and more consume diet low in fat, but inspite of these steps more American are expected to die of heart disease than ever before. American heart Association statistics estimate that presently 75 million Americans have heart disease; about 20 million suffer from diabetes while another 57 million are prediabetics, at risk of developing diabetes disease later. All these diseases are affecting younger population more, contrary to the myth that chronic diseases only affect old people. Americans have been thriving on a typical diet full of sugars, carbohydrates and processed foods with omega 6 oils, for the last 60 years. While we are enjoying the sweetness of a baked roll in our mouth, our bodies perceive it as a threat to its well-being like an enemy waging war. How can an innocent looking, delicious sweet roll cause a cascade of inflammation to cause serious disease? When you eat simple carbohydrates like sugar, it causes the blood sugar to rise. In response pancreas secrete a hormone Insulin meant to control the blood sugar level. Insulin drives the extra sugar into cells, but if the cells do not require that sugar they throw extra sugar again into blood, as excessive sugar might impair their function. The body secretes more insulin to deal with the rise in blood sugar as a result of extra sugar rejected by cells. The extra glucose gets converted to stored fats. Let’s talk more about that â€Å"not so innocent† sweet roll. Sugar is not the only culprit contained in it .it is baked in omega6 oils like soybean. The same omega 6 oils are used in chips and fries and present in processed foods to give longer shelf life. These omega 6 oils are essential as they are part of cell membranes ,but they need be in correct balance with omega 3 oils .A faulty balance between the two , due to excessive consumption of omega 6 can cause cell membranes to produce Cytokines ,chemical substances which cause inflammation. The ideal ratio of omega 6 and omega 3 should be 1:1, but up to 3; 1 is acceptable considering the trends in food consumption, but today an average American diet is imbalanced to the range of 15:1 to as high as 30:1 in favor of omega-6.This results in huge amounts of cytokines causing inflammation. To add to the injury caused by high blood sugar, the excess weight that we accumulate as a result of these foods, cause over-burdened fat cells which release chemical substances contributing in causing inflammation. So the journey that starts with savoring a sweet roll trigger the harmful process of inflammation in our body causing heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and Alzheimers disease, There is no choice but to accept that our bodies are not designed by nature to utilize foods rich in sugar and dripping with omega 6 oils. Our continued use of these foods means that inflammatory process in our bodies goes unabated. The solution for curbing this inflammatory process lies in getting closer to nature. Consume foods in their natural form. For carbohydrates choose fruits and vegetables (contain complex carbohydrates), eat proteins to build muscles. Restrict the use of mega 6 oils like corn oil and soybean oil and processed foods containing them. Make healthier choices, one tablespoon of corn oil contains 7,280 mg of omega-6; soybean contains 6,940 mg, instead choose to use olive oil or butter from grass-fed beef. These animal fats contain less than 20% of omega 6, thus much lesser risk for causing inflammation, as opposed to the so called healthier polyunsaturated oils. The myth that saturated fats alone are responsible for heart disease has been drummed into your ears for so long that you believe it as â€Å"science†. It is time for you to leave behind all overstated science of saturated fats raising cholesterol and only saturated fats causing heart disease. In context of the new discovery, that inflammation not cholesterol causes heart disease, the concern about saturated fats no longer remains relevant. The old cholesterol theory led to low fat and no fat dietary recommendations and consumption of foods taking the injurious effects of inflammation to an epidemic proportion. People were wronged by the advice to increase the consumption of omega 6 oils and decreasing the use of saturated fats, leading to injurious cascade of inflammation inside our bodies; it resulted in all-time highest rates for developing heart and other chronic diseases What you can do to Right this wrong? I will emphasize again, go natural. Try to remember the foods your grandmother served on the table and get closer to them instead of processed foods your mother bought from the grocery store. Good news is that by avoiding the inflammatory food and consuming fresh unprocessed food containing essential nutrients, you cannot only halt the process of inflammation inside the body, but you can also turn the wheels of this process backwards and reverse the injurious effects of eating a typical American diet for many years. Animal Proteins; You Should Eat Them for a Healthy Heart Most people think that only health problem associated with eating a vegetarian, also called as vegan diet, is Vitamin B12 deficiency, as its present only in animal sources in its natural form. This is a serious health hazard as research has shown that vitamin B12 deficiency can cause elevated homocysteine levels, which increase the risk for developing heart disease and stroke. But, B12 deficiency is not the only health risk associated with vegan diet. New research is coming up with evidence that diet devoid of all animal foods leads to a low dietary intake of proteins and sulfur amino acids, thus increasing the risk of heart disease in vegetarians. Vegetables are an excellent source of nutrients and have lots of benefits for the heart and overall health. You can eat as much vegetables as you like without any health fear, rather this is what should be aimed by every one for optimal health. The problem arises when you eliminate animal proteins completely from your diets resulting in deficiency of valuable nutrients that can only be obtained from animal sources. According to WHO (World health Organization), 36 million people die each year because of chronic diseases also known a Non communicable diseases. The four major diseases of this group include heart diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, Diabetes and cancers. In the US, in the Year 2013, more than 1,660,290 new cancer cases were projected to be diagnosed and about 580,350 Americans died from the disease. Today, heart disease is the leading Couse of death in America, both in men and women. About 600,000 Americans die of heart disease annually. Modern biomedical science has made leaps of advancement in technology in the last 50 years or so, but western medicine has failed to control the occurrence of these top killer diseases, i.e. cancer and heart disease. Practice over the years has shown that western medicine has developed â€Å"conventional strategies† for dealing these diseases from the diagnosis to treatment .These conventional strategies are based on wrong assumptions and approaches that have proven to be more harmful than beneficial. Moreover, these strategies of modern medicine do not address the root cause of the problem, which is a faulty diet high in Sugars and processed foods. For more than 60 years, saturated fats have been held responsible for causing heart disease. The conventional dietary advice and recommendations for prevention of heart diseases have remained focused on low fat diet, but these faulty recommendations have actually contributed in the epidemic of heart disease and other chronic diseases, we are facing today. Stress on low fat diets has resulted in promulgation of a very dangerous low-fat, high-sugar diet. Actually, an optimum diet that promotes health and prevents diseases should be high in good fats and very low in sugars and carbohydrates from the non-vegetable sources. Research conducted by some of the most prestigious institutions in the US confirms that Sugar is the main dietary factor responsible for development of chronic diseases. This information that sugar especially in form of fructose is the main culprit in causing heart disease and cancers enables you to chalk out a prevention plan for yourself. Health practitioners and naturopaths have been warning against the health risks associated with the high consumption of sugars. Many people stop or decrease the use of sugar in tea or coffee and other sweets or confectionaries, but you have to beware of the Hidden sugar in food products. Hidden sugar is present as ‘High fructose corn syrup’ (HFCS) in almost every processed food item ranging from sodas to yogurts, sauces, and breads. Many staple foods which are grain based like wheat, corn or rice are also eventually converted to the sugar in your body. Thus, the bagels, pan cakes and breakfast cereal are actually increasing the sugar burden in your body. The main culprit among sugars is Fructose. Clinical trials showed that people consuming HFCS were more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases risk factor in a short span of almost two weeks. The brighter side is that studies have also shown that if sugar consumption is restricted ,whatever sugar form it may be ,it significantly decreases the risk for developing both breast and colon cancers. The health benefits of fruits are far more greater than any concerns for fructose damage ,but remember two principles Eat in moderation ,as the newer trend to grow fruits that are very sweet has resulted in very high levels of fructose in fruits as compared to earlier times Eat the whole fruit and refrain from juices, as juice contains only the sugar and vitamins and deficient in the fiber and other nutrients contained in the pulp of fruits. The real cause of concern is the High fructose syrup that is added in almost every processed food or drink that we buy. Healthy diet for maintaining blood glucose and Insulin levels, in conjunction with a comprehensive exercise program are two essential components of a cancer recovery program. These are also essential parts of any cancer prevention strategy. Diet and exercise also play an important role in preventing heart disease. Research studies have shown that exercise can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by a factor of three. In a recent meta-analysis conducted at the Bloomberg institute of Public health, 305 randomized controlled trials were reviewed for comparing the effects of exercise and heart disease medications. The analysis interestingly revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between the effects of exercise and heart medicines like statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) and beta blockers. The crux of the matter remains that a â€Å"Healthy life style†, to maintain an adequate weight with healthy eating and regular exercise is the need. A healthy diet and exercise program ensures that insulin and leptin receptor sensitivity is maintained. As mentioned earlier, insulin and leptin resistance, resulting for the excessive consumption of refined sugars and lack of exercise, is the root cause of all chronic diseases Things to be done to reverse insulin and lepton resistance effectively are; Keep away from sugar, processed foods ,processed fructose and grains Consume healthy diet of organic, whole foods Carbohydrates in grains can be replaced with healthier choices like large quantities of vegetables, high quality proteins in low to moderate amounts; ideally form organically raised pastured animals. Forget the faulty recommendation of 10% fats in diet. Consume as much as you like from healthy fats (saturated and monosaturated fats from animal and tropical oil sources).For optimum health people may use up to 50-85% fats in their diet Deep fried food in Traditional Southern Diet makes you prone for developing- STROKE The traditional southern food is famous for the deep fried stuff, but new medical research suggests that consumption of these deep fried food increases the risk for developing Stroke. The results from a research study conducted at University of Alabama at Birmingham were presented at the annual International Stroke Conference in Hawaii. The results showed a massive 41 % percent increase in the risk for developing stroke for people who use the typical southern diet rich in deep fried items regularly, as compared to those who don’t use such food, and the risk was even higher for African-American which was 63 percent How to attain Balance in Omega 6:3 Ratio I would be giving you few tips for avoiding the consumption of foods that would adversely affect the omega 6:3 ratio. 1: Always read the label of the foods and condiments you buy. Almost all processed and prepackaged food contains oils that are rich in omega 6 and thus would adversely affect your Omega 6:3 balance. In the following table you would find oils rich in omega 6, thus need to be avoided and the other alternate choices of fats that are acceptable for maintaining this balance. The paleo diet consumed by our forefathers mainly consisted of lean meats, vegetables, fruits nuts, seeds and very limited amounts of grains, along with a very active lifestyle they maintained their blood sugar levels in the range of 60 to 90 mg /dl. Meanwhile the high carb and sugary diets which are consumed today result in unhealthy spikes in blood sugar levels. The excess blood sugar in our blood causes many health hazards including heart disease, damage to the blood vessels and may trigger yeast over growth resulting in fungal infections

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Bacteria and Foodborne Illness :: contaminated food

Foodborne illness results from eating food contaminated with bacteria (or their toxins) or other pathogens such as parasites or viruses. The illnesses range from upset stomach to more serious symptoms, including diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and dehydration. Although most foodborne infections are undiagnosed and unreported, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that every year about 76 million people in the United States become ill from pathogens in food. Of these, about 5,000 die. Causes Harmful bacteria are the most common causes of foodborne illnesses. Some bacteria may be present on foods when you purchase them. Raw foods are not sterile. Raw meat and poultry may become contaminated during slaughter. Seafood may become contaminated during harvest or through processing. One in 20,000 eggs may be contaminated with Salmonella inside the egg shell. Produce such as lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, and melons can become contaminated with Salmonella, Shigella, or Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7. Contamination can occur during growing, harvesting, processing, storing, shipping, or final preparation. Sources of contamination are varied; however, these items are grown in the soil and therefore may become contaminated during growth or through processing and distribution. Contamination may also occur during food preparation in the restaurant or in the person's kitchen. When food is cooked and left out for more than 2 hours at room temperature, bacteria can multiply quickly. Most bacteria grow undetected because they do not produce an "off" odor or change the color or texture of the food. Freezing food slows or stops bacteria's growth but does not destroy the bacteria. The microbes can become reactivated when the food is thawed. Refrigeration may slow the growth of some bacteria, but thorough cooking is needed to destroy the bacteria. Symptoms In most cases of foodborne illness, symptoms resemble intestinal flu and may last a few hours or even several days. Symptoms can range from mild to serious and include  · abdominal cramps  · nausea  · vomiting  · diarrhea  · fever  · dehydration [Top] Risk Factors Some people are at greater risk for bacterial infections because of their age or immune status. Young children, pregnant women and their fetuses, the elderly, and people with lowered immunity are at greatest risk. Complications Some micro-organisms, such as Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium botulinum, cause far more serious illness than vomiting or diarrhea. They can cause spontaneous abortion or death. In some people, especially children, hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) can result from infection by a particular strain of bacteria, E. coli O157:H7, and can lead to kidney failure and death.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Food Memory Smells like Nostalgia chose to share a story about my past experience this summer with memory being triggered by taste and how the two senses work together to bring back a unique memory from a certain time period. During my time from K-8 1 had a really great friend that I would always hangout with after school. We would walk to his house each day after school and when we got to his house the first thing we would always do is raid the snack cabinet. This was no ordinary snack cabinet, it had everything you could ever dream of for a snack!His mother would only allow us to have one thing from the cabinet and then would lock it up till dinner. There was only one snack that always would chose, and it was Fruit Gushers. These little guys are a soft candy that burst when you bite into it. Inside the gummy candy is a little bit of fruity syrup so you can get two different textures from the one candy bite. Was so in love with fruit gushers because I could only get them at my frien d's house. My parents would never buy them for me or let me pick them out, so going over to Tyler house aftershock everyday was quite a treat and is one of my most endnotes memories.This memory was recently relived, this summer 10 years later from having Fruit Gushers friends. I had the day off from work and I was over at a different friend's house playing Pollination 4. Lost contact with my friends my middle school after we split to different high schools. After a while my friend got hungry and ask me if I wanted a snack from the pantry, and of course said â€Å"Sure! , surprise me! † He comes back up stairs and he throws me a yellow package. Sure enough it was the same Fruit Gushers that I had when was younger.It was nostalgic and instantly got thrown back into time and remember all of the fun things I used to do in middle school and how life used to be without any worries. This was very interesting to me that the senses of taste and smell and trigger long lost memories of ones life. For this project decided to do a little research to actually find out why smell can trigger pas memories. My research found that after a smell enters the nose, it travels through the cranial nerve through the olfactory bulb, which helps the brain process smells. The olfactory bulb is part of the limbic system, the motional center of the brain.As a member of the limbic system, the olfactory bulb can easily access the magical, which plays a role in emotional memories (it's also where the â€Å"fight or flight† reflex comes from) this close relationship between the olfactory and the magical is one of the reason odors cause a spark of nostalgia. It is very interesting that I found this study to be true and what was experiencing was pure nostalgia, and that is an amazing aspect of the human body, being able to relate a certain smell with a past experience in life that you normally would have forgotten.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Disparities in Diagnosis of Depression

In the paper, â€Å"Disparities in Diagnosis of Depression†, the author has made a mention of the problem of African-Americans being less likely to report, getting evaluated or diagnosed for depression, mania or anxiety than their White Counterparts (Gary 2005). This paper would be concentrating on the reasons for this problem. In history, African Americans have been the victims of chattel slavery and many people felt that they could be suffering from certain mental changes.Many people considered them to be suffering from a psychiatric disorder known as ‘draptemania’ (characterized by the need to flee from captivity). Although, African-Americans have an inherent nature not to get depressed very easily because of their apparent happy character, the condition is also at a greater risk of going undiagnosed, under-diagnosed or even misdiagnosed. This was a concern existing since a long time and even till today this problem is existing (Baker, 2000, pp. 3167).Minority communities especially African-American’s may make up a vital portion of the US population, and if health problems exist, the health status, economic welfare and quality of living of the entire nation would certainly be affected. Only a small portion of the minority population would be receiving ideal mental healthcare (Reus, 2001). It may not be felt that the mental health services for the African-American Communities should be improved as the risk of developing depression is comparatively lower compared to the White population.Besides, the mental health services may be only developed to lower the occurrence of mental disorders rather than treating a much bigger problem (which could be increasing the risk of developing the disorder) (Witt, 2006). Many of the healthcare providers (such as hospitals, public healthcare settings, etc) tend to focus a lot on the ethnicity of the patients (usually the color the skin) rather than on the individual healthcare requirements and the se veral socio-economic factors.Several of these providers assume certain problems or issues to have occurred (such as social problems, racial issues, trauma, alienation, etc), which would be responsible for the mental health disorder. The African-American Population may have certain negative experiences with the healthcare system, and hence in the future this ethnic group would develop negative feelings towards the system, thus reducing their reliance on it.Hence, such individuals are less likely to go to the healthcare providers to seek medical care, and in such instances several mental disorders would go undiagnosed and untreated (Mallett, 2000). Several individuals belonging to the minority community may not seek mental health services as they may fear that they may be misunderstood and further they may undergo ill-treatment due to the prevailing lags in culture, ethnicity, language and literary levels.Many of the African-Americans who are seeking mental health services may be lock ed or held in the hospital wards and forced to undergo treatment. They may be administered drugs in greater than normal dosage and all laws and regulations regarding management may be ignored, misused and by-passed. The White Physicians may be biased while diagnosing and treating African-American mental patients. They may discriminate them racially and be arrogant with them.Some physicians may genuinely have a problem with African-American patients as they may not know the patient’s language and culture (Mallett, 2000). Besides this, several other causes such as homelessness, the presence of several other general disorders, access to illegal drugs, lower levels of insurance coverage, etc, amongst African-American population were responsible for the lower chances of several mental disorders getting evaluated and treated (O'toole, T. P. , Pollini, R. , Gray, P. & Jones, T. ; 2007).

Elephant by Polly Clark

Polly Clarks â€Å"Elephant† essay Polly Clarks †Elephant† is about a author named William who deals with his problems every day. William is a writer. His work consists of young female pop-singers biographies. The story starts in media res, we just jump straight into the story without further information. The story takes place in William’s dark his house and it is set in a normal afternoon in William’s life. The curtains are closed, so William cannot watch his garden, which is overcrowded with weed, and boring. It reminds him of the things he has not done.At the time, he almost lives in his office. It is hard for him to find the words. The story is told by a 3rd person narrator, but the narrator tells a lot of things through William’s thoughts and therefore it is easy to identify yourself with William. The narrator tells the story in a way that makes you feel sorry for William, because of his problems. William likes to write, but he has had som e problems writing lately: â€Å"His inability to write disturbed him, made him feel blundering and awkward.. † (p. 3 line 2-3). William is not really happy about just writing about pop-singers.He dreams about writing biographies of actors in their ‘golden age’, because he means that, that is something people would buy and read. Those biographies have been claimed by someone, who was quicker than William and that is why William is writing short biographies with information he has found on the internet:†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ From the facts William could glean from the internet. † (p. 1 line 21). William possesses a great deal of knowledge that it takes to produce a masterpiece, because he is familiar with old, recognized history literature. He mentions the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy.He fantasises about having written â€Å"Ulysses† by James Joyce, but in real life he is stuck writing the insignificant biographies. He is surrounded by a lot of women in his l ife. He is married to a women named Ginny and then there are the pop-singers of whom he writes about. His relationship to the pop-singers is paradoxical in which he, in a way, could not care less about them: â€Å"The slim volumes reflected the slim lives of his subjects, and his slim interest in them† (p. 1 line 28). Ginny calls William to say that she will be home in twenty minutes. Hereafter the third-person narrator arranges two similar situations in contrast to each other.In a flashback from William’s childhood, William remembers his mum bringing home a present for him. He especially remembers the excitement he felt, before he received the blue elephant. I think that William and his wife needs time together and are very separated because of their jobs. Even though, William loves her. He compares Ginny with the blue elephant he got as child, in which he was very happy. (p. 2 line 25-33). When Ginny comes home, they make love and it seems to be too organised and wit hout passion. Ginny mentions that she has taken a test and that it is the â€Å"right time† which could mean that she is trying to get pregnant.Their relationship could be compared to the garden outside their house in the following conversation where they talk about what they should do with it. â€Å"It seems fine†, but they do not care much for it. â€Å"Should they lay a deck over it or sell up and move to Australia? † William does not really care as his response is to â€Å"see what happens†. Characters William: He really wants to be â€Å"someone† and be a big famous writer. He is tired of waiting for it and just wants it to happen soon. He is stuck in his biographies-writing and wants to make a living from writing.William’s wife wishes to have a baby but William is not that sure. I think he wants to get control of his own life first. Ginny: She is William’s wife. She really wants to get pregnant and knows exactly when it is the best chance of getting it. I do not think that she knows how William feels. There are some themes in this short story, one of them could be ‘chasing your dreams’ because of Williams’ wish to be a important biographies writer and he continues to write about the non important female pop-singers, because he knows as soon he gets the chance to write what he want, he will take it.Even though he does not seem to do something for his’ carrier, it shows in the text: William would have preferred the film stars (male, golden age of cinema) but those had been claimed by someone quicker o the mark†¦ † (p. 1, line 22) Another theme could be ‘fate’ because as William expresses in the beginning: â€Å"William had made the best of what he had been given† (p. 1, line 23). He does not believe that you can change your destiny but I think he is willing to try.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Comcast voip telecommunications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comcast voip telecommunications - Research Paper Example This age is known as the age of information technology and we see information technology everywhere. In this scenario, Comcast based VoIP is completely an innovative and high-tech technology for the superior management of business and corporate issues. Additionally, Comcast Digital Voice presents a completely new set of alternatives for our home telephone service with the Comcast superior broadband network. For example, Comcast Digital communication and phone service allows us to choose unlimited local as well as long distance communication plans through which we can keep our present telephone number as well as touch-tone telephone. Moreover, we can enjoy all of our preferred options similar to call waiting, voice mail, caller ID and a lot more (OnlineComcast, 2011). This paper outlines strategic Implications of information technology on COMCAST with a focus on VoIP Telecommunications over the next three years. This paper will also present a recommendation on what Strategic Action sh ould be taken. Technology Overview Comcast VoIP has emerged as a modern and high-tech technology service that offers a lot of facilities for the business management. Presently Comcast VoIP service is attracting a large number of VoIP clients every quarter and has extremely quickly turned out to be the nation's (US) 4th major phone carrier. However, they are not only one of the major VoIP communication service providers, but they also present the maximum quality local and international calls. Additionally, the Comcast VoIP Digital phone service offers a range of improved telephone characteristics with cost savings that exceed a lot of customary telephone services. In addition, the modern services of Comcast VoIP technology based service allows its users to keep their present telephone number as well as touch-tone telephone thus offering advantages of countless characteristics similar to improved Voice Mail that allows the users to get and send their messages through online or phone s ystems. Moreover, digital phone service as well allows the users to take pleasure of unlimited local as well as nationwide long distance calls, such as calls to Puerto Rico and Canada at least monthly price. Thus, people are able to save money. It also allows its users to connect TV and Internet service with Comcast phone service and take pleasure pay less for the entire Comcast communication services (Bode, 2008) and (OnlineComcast, 2011). Company  Background For this report I have selected Animusoft Company that is making use of VoIP services offered by ActivePBX. While using traditional VoIP services, Animusoft Corporation faced a lot of problems regarding internal communication of business and departmental interaction. The business is aimed at improving its overall services and potential working capability with new VoIP services. In this way the company will be able to achieve high level performance (Animusoft Corporation, 2011). Current Business Issues of VoIP   VoIP is a c omparatively modern technology. In this scenario, the research work shows that a lot of corporations are now making use of VoIP technology to reduce costs, tonnage efficiency and maintaining strategic position.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Factions Leading To The Outbreak Of The Civil War Essay

Factions Leading To The Outbreak Of The Civil War - Essay Example They took advantage of the new lands, railroads and natural resources, and they strengthened their economic and political interest. The Civil War started on April 12, 1861, when the Confederates (Southerners) bombarded Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. Initiated by the crisis between 1860 and 1861 which occurred in the autumn of 1859, John Brown and cohorts took the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia under seizure, targeting to summon slaves over to be armed safely at a fortification built on a mountain. Brown encouraged them to put an end to unwanted slavery and forced labor suffered at the hands of their slavedrivers in the South. Through the command of Gen. Robert Lee, one of the finest generals at the time, the Confederates managed to defeat the Yankees (Northerners) on a number of incidents that include the suppression of the band of raiders led by Brown who was himself tried and executed. Paranoia toward malicious intentions was claimed to have transpired betwe en the Northerners and the Southerners due primarily to inequality between the two regions, the issue of slavery, and secession by the south. The various states in the North and in the South had conflicting interests. While the North was industrial, democratic, and progressive, on the other hand, the South remained agricultural, aristocratic, and conservative. A majority of Northerners viewed the inhabitants of the South as indolent, poorly educated, and misbehaved people who would always contradict ideas and possibilities which could enable the United States to achieve its goals with capitalism. Northern Americans opposed black slavery because they did not need slave labor in their factories whereas Southern Americans needed slaves to cultivate their vast plantations of cotton, tobacco, and rice. On a rough estimate, about 80% of the population in the South toiled in agriculture and a significant mass of southern wealth was reported to have been invested slave trade and acquisition of lands to expand territories. Pieces of cotton produced via southern regulations were sold to northern and European textile mills, largely imparting a favorable equilibrium in the country’s potential in the aspect of trade as rich slaveholders obtained extensive commercial, social, and political dominion over their region. Thus, during the 1850s, several white southerners had come to adopt the principle that considers bondage to servility to be a â€Å"positive good† either for the slave or his master. Besides labor control, slavery also functioned as a means for the Southern Americans to settle with the social order in which division of class among the whites in the southern society seemed to have become abolished for having a common stake in the system of slavery. Regardless of economic status, white people of the South were justified as equal among themselves by virtue of or fact with the prevailing black slavery of that period. For this ground and the anxiety to ward dissonant consequences, once black servants were freed, the Confederates all the more agreed to necessitate slavery and defended this position against their northern counterparts. Consequently, the Yankees of the North were established with a stereotypical impression of being indifferent or partaking with negligible concern about family matters, as if all they ever cared for was to sustain personal extravagance whereby economic interests were sought to prioritize luxury in living.