Sunday, October 6, 2019

Christopher Columbuss View of the Americas Native Indigenous People Research Paper

Christopher Columbuss View of the Americas Native Indigenous People - Research Paper Example This was attributed greatly by the different personalities of the two colonialists. Notably is that Bartholomew De Las Casas was a priest, writer, a Dominican friar and an advocate for humane treatment and fair relation for the indigenous people of the Americas. On the other hand, Christopher Columbus was the early colonialist and explorer whose aim was to gain power and control over indigenous America at whatever means. In order to get a conceptual view and understanding of the two perspectives, it is worth to analyze critically each of the sides in regard to the newly discovered colonies and its indigenous native people who are the inhabitants. Christopher Columbus's Perspective Christopher Columbus’s perspective view of America's native indigenous people is evident in the contents of the letter he wrote to his majesty’s in Spain. In his letter regarded to a letter on the first voyage Columbus gives a vivid and conceptual description on his adventure and encounters wi th the native indigenous people in his exploration trip in America. Columbus describes the indigenous American natives not really as a detached observer but as an entrepreneur whose main aim is to exploit, the economic opportunities in the region (Jane ). His expedition can be perceived as for an economic expedition and commercially driven. Having critically analyzed the islands man and the extensive indigenous people he interacted with, Columbus portrayed the regions and the people to be suitable for future colonization (Jane). Columbus lays great emphasis and focuses on the Spaniard's interaction with the native indigenous Americas people. He describes the local natives giving an account of their lifestyles and the societal customs in detail. Notably is that the people both men and women go naked only covering some specific parts, also he describes them as very generous and welcoming without any creed.

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