Thursday, October 24, 2019

Principles of diversity Essay

Assignment overview In this assignment you will consider best practice in promoting diversity, equality and inclusion which does not discriminate against others. You will look at relevant legislation, codes of practice and regulations governing adult social care and consider the consequences for a variety of people if these are not followed. You are asked to consider your own attitudes and beliefs and how these may impact on how you treat people and to reflect on your own practice. Tasks There are three tasks to this assignment. A Short answer questions B Leaflet C Reflective account This is a summary of the evidence required for the unit. Task Evidence Learning outcomes covered A Short answer questions 1.1, 1.2, 3.1 B Leaflet 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3 C Reflective account 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Task A Short answer questions Ai Explain in your own words what each term means. Give one example from care practice to illustrate your explanations. SHC 33 1.1) Diversity Diversity means variety, an example of this is society, where people very in a multitude of ways, including sex, age, sexual orientation, physical characteristics such as height, weight and skin colour, personal experiences and attributes, such as beliefs, values and preferences. Care settings  reflect the diversity of the population, an example of which is diet, some people have specific dietary needs, some may need food that is pureed due to swallowing difficulties, others may follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, people from different cultural and religious backgrounds have specific dietary needs. Equality Equality is treating people fairly regardless of their differences, ensuring that they have access to the same life opportunities. An example of this in the care setting is Ability, a lack of understanding about the needs of people with physical or mental disabilities results in them finding it difficult to make the most of life’s opportunities, an example of this in the care setting is persons not taking part in activities as they may not be suitable to their needs, this can lead to them being socially excluded, we need to ensure that there are a range of activities to suit all needs. Inclusion Inclusion is accepting everyone, regardless of difference, it is about getting rid of intolerance of difference and providing help and support where appropriate. The act of inclusion brings about a feeling of wellbeing and builds on a person’s confidence, ensuring that everyone can meet their full potential. Within a care home setting each individual has differing needs that have to be continually monitored and assessed to ensure that they are getting the most out of life for example a person’s mobility needs changing should not exclude them, they need to be given the correct level of support to take part and feel included in the day to day living that they enjoyed previously. Discrimination Discrimination is a form of prejudice, it is an attitude or way of thinking based on unfounded, unreasonable pre judgement of a person or situation, not one based on factual assessment, and it can cause a barrier that makes it difficult for a person to make progress or to achieve goals. An example of this in the care setting is not giving choice to a resident with things such as what they wish to eat if there’s only one choice for those that are in need of a pureed diet but three different meals available to other resident’s. Aii For each of the following people/groups of people, describe two different possible effects of discrimination. (SHC 33 1.1) An Individual The effects of discrimination on an individual; 1) Short term effects on an individual can include intimidation, humiliation, resentment and anger. 2) Long term effects can bring about feelings of inferiority, loss of self-worth and confidence a distrust and fear of others, leading to social exclusion. Their Families The effects on a person’s family; 1) The injustice of discrimination not only has an effect on the individual but also their family, by denying people opportunities such as education they cannot find employment or live in decent housing, this in turn leads to victims and their family’s being in deprivation, without a good standard of living. 2) Discrimination can cause the breakup of a family, this is due to the stress that is caused. Wider society The effects of discrimination on wider society; 1) Discrimination in the long term results in deprivation for whole groups in society, such as the elderly. 2) Discrimination has brought about a postcode lottery with unequal availability of services in different parts of the country. Those who discriminate The effects on those who discriminate; 1) They would be in breach of the equality act 2010 and as such in contravention of the law this can lead to both fines and imprisonment. 2) Those who discriminate show a lack of concern for others, their beliefs, culture and preferences showing a lack of concern, this in turn brings into doubt the person’s ability to care, Health and social care workers have a responsibility to provide a high level of care, anything else would be neglect. Aiii Identify three ways of challenging discrimination, and describe how each will promote change. 1)  Work place discrimination can be challenged by analysing why the person behaves in a discriminatory manor, an example may be they were brought up in an environment where labelling, stereotyping and negative prejudice were normal behaviour and so not questioned. This needs to be explored privately, for example during an appraisal where behaviour can be questioned and required changes can be agreed and recorded with their success being measured. 2) Informal discussions provide opportunity to reflect on the dire effects of discrimination, talking through these issues and imagining how it must feel to experience unfair, unjust treatment, can have powerful effects on thinking and behaviour, hence bringing about change in mind set. 3) Education is a way of challenging discrimination, ensuring that persons abide by work place policies and procedures and codes of practice including those that relate to anti-discrimination policies. Good communication skills enable discrimination to be challenged in an assertive yet encouraging way to bring about behaviour change. Task B Leaflet Bi Your work setting is running an induction course for new social care workers in an adult social care setting. Create a leaflet, which can be used to support this course. The leaflet must include the following: a) A description of the legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. b) An explanation of the possible consequences for individuals, social care workers and others if the legislation and codes of practice are not followed. c) A description of how inclusive practice can promote equality and support diversity. d) An explanation of how to support others to promote diversity, equality and inclusion. Leaflet enclosed. Bii Give two examples of how you could raise awareness of diversity, equality and inclusion. (SHC 33 1.1) 1) Training and discussion; Training and discussion in one to one meetings or groups of staff, raise awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion. The more they will engage in discussion and obtain training about this issue the more they will learn and be aware of it and also put it in to their everyday practice. 2) Through providing leaflet, information and policies and procedures; Providing leaflets and sufficient information regarding diversity and equality will raise awareness to a social care worker by having knowledge about it. It also helps them to know about the consequences if agreed ways of working are not followed. Task C Reflective account (SHC 33 2.2) Ci Write a reflective account describing: †¢ How your personal preferences, attitudes, heritage and beliefs might impact on working practice. †¢ How to ensure that your own practice is inclusive and respects the beliefs, culture, values and preferences of individuals. Suggested word count: 500 – 700 words (Enclosed as separate document) Cii Write a brief account that describes examples of inclusive practice. Inclusive practice, is about attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to ensure that people are not excluded or isolated. An examples of this would be; show respect, regardless of a person’s age, sex, sexual orientation race and ability, with regard to their believes, culture , values and preferences. It is good to model care on Principles of care that promote inclusive work practice, letting personal preferences shape the way you work, supporting individuals in retaining their cultural dignity, such as how they choose to dress and maintain their personal hygiene. Respect the need to maintain confidentiality of personal and sensitive information, ensure that persons are not disadvantaged but can access equal opportunities for example by making sure they receive help and support that is appropriate for their needs. (SHC 33 3.1, 3.2) Ciii Write a brief account that describes practice, which excludes the individual and is discriminatory. Taking away a person’s personal preferences can excluded the individual and the care worker would not be demonstrating ‘inclusive practice’, examples of this would be denying someone the opportunity to worship in the way their religion dictates this would be excluding them, a person not being given the chance to choose what to wear takes away from their right to equality and may impact on their cultural dignity. Not allowing for a person’s dietary requirements an example of this might be a vegetarian not being able to have the same amount of choices as a person who eats meat. A person who needs to use a wheelchair could be excluded from taking part in an activity due to problems with access this would cause them to be disadvantaged and discriminated against. By not using the person cantered approach within health and social care you would not be following best practice leading to people being denied their freedom and this is a form of neglect and may be see n as abuse.

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