Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Managing Diversity in the work place Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Managing Diversity in the work place - Article Example there are no observable issues relating to diversity owing to the harsh disciplinary actions taken against any employee who discriminates or harasses a colleague on the basis of their diversity. Conversely, my organization instills a culture of acceptance and positivity through creation of teams exemplified by involvement of both older and younger generations in order to introduce a diversity of expertise (Wesotzkey, 2011). For instance, the younger generation is considered more computer savvy while the older generation is cited by Collins-McNeil, Sharpe and Benbow (2012) as having a wealth of experience that can benefit a team. Harton et al (2012) notes that a culture of fairness and impartiality in scheduling individual duties is imperative in managing a diverse workforce. In my organization, individual employees are given the autonomy to make their own schedules aligned to their needs. In terms of commonalities, all employees in my organization have a common vision. Our core vision is to become a leader in healthcare delivery through a patient-centered approach to care. In this regard, each employee regardless of gender, race, religion, experience, morals and principles bring their divergent opinions towards the achievement of this common vision. The second commonality in my organization relates to partnership. All employees comprehend the fact that delivery of quality and safe health care is highly dependent on collaboration. An interdisciplinary collaboration approach to care delivery evident in my organization is proof that working in partnership with other disciplines is a collective agenda. To increase appreciation of both differences and similarities, I would introduce weekly or monthly meetings whereby all employees discuss their beliefs, traditions, principles and moral standings. In doing so, employees would understand how their colleagues view specific issues or subject matters and consequently understand how to approach or handle them in an effort

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